Fox News host and O’Reilly Factor producer, Jesse Watters, went to New York’s Chinatown, presumably to “sample” people’s opinions of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. But it was soon clear the real goal was to mock them.
“China was mentioned 12 times, mostly in a negative way, especially Donald Trump” host Bill O’Reilly said about last week’s presidential debate. “So we sent Watters down to New York’s Chinatown to sample political opinion.”
Watters did discuss some politics. But there were lots of insulting scenes, such as Watters asking two women, “Am I supposed to bow to say hello?”
To a street vendor, he said, “I like these watches. Are they hot?”
Watters asked an elderly woman, “Donald Trump has been beating up on China. How does that make you feel?” It was a trick question designed to put the woman on the spot. If she said she hated it, it would have made her look like she sides with China over America. If she agreed with Trump, it made her look anti-Chinese.
In Watters’ video, the women did not answer. So Fox spliced a movie clip of a woman yelling, “Speak! Speak! Why don’t you speak?” to mock the Chinese woman for either choosing not to respond or for thinking too long and hard about how to do so.
In another clip, a young woman said she planned to vote for Hillary Clinton. Watters responded, “So China can keep ripping us off.”
After asking if China is a friend or enemy to the U.S., and being told “friend,” Watters asked, “Can you guys take care of North Korea for us?”
And then there was, “Do they call Chinese food in China just ‘food?’”
Back in the studio, O’Reilly acknowledged the ethnic insensitivity when he said, “I know we’re going to get letters.” But, he added, “It was gentle fun.”
"It was all in good fun," Watters agreed.
Yeah, good fun at other people’s expense.
Watch the tastelessness below, from the October 3, 2016 The O’Reilly Factor.
The other night, BOR noted that Asian Americans are coming out big for Hillary over Trump. It’s been all over the news that polls show that Asian Americans are breaking for her 41% over Trump. That’s no doubt troubling to BOR (who is in the tank for Trump). So he decides to order up a segment in which his toady can use ambush tactics and work in belittling, stereotypical “jokes” to diminish Asian Americans and their opinions in the eyes of BOR’s largely white, older audience. Yeah, we see what you’re doing, BOR – you’re not fooling anyone (except for maybe the dumb sheeple who are sucked in by your bullsh!t).
Jan. 2013, BOR: “Asian people are not liberal, you know, by nature. They’re usually more industrious and hard-working”.
1. Do you agree that sexual harassment of female employees is wrong?
2. Did you know that Ailes was sexually harassing women in the workplace?
3. Billy was accused by Andrea of sexual harassment. If he did this to a female relative of yours would that be okay?
4. If you had any strip of dignity left you would leave Fox "News.
The intern would not answer your questions because he is a coward.