For those wondering when Fox News would make the NFL scandal about Benghazi, your wait is over. Elisabeth Hasselbeck did it today in a tweet.
Today, Media Matters caught Hasselbeck tweeting:
Later, she responded to Huffington Post with the following:
You knew it had to happen sooner or later, right?
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Janet Tuhey commented
2014-09-18 00:21:16 -0400
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Imagine if every one was as clueless #bimbo @elizabethhasslebeck
doors17 commented
2014-09-17 10:02:09 -0400
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Seriously now, is anyone surprised by this idiotic comment by Hasselbeck? No? Neither I’m I.
After a while one would think that even the staunchest of Fox & Friends supporters would come to the conclusion that they give up defending these guys, especially since they know a small percentage will always agree with them.
The NFL owners only care about is protecting its profits, and continue the National Football League’s tax-exempt status. Change will only come if the leagues sponsors feel this could hurt their bottom line which apparently Nike and Anheuser-Busch did yesterday.
For the fans it’s all about winning. They may say everyone deserves a second chance, but only if they can help their teams win. Amazing how forgiving owners and fans can be when it makes the owners money and allows fans to do their chest thumping when their teams are victorious.
After a while one would think that even the staunchest of Fox & Friends supporters would come to the conclusion that they give up defending these guys, especially since they know a small percentage will always agree with them.
The NFL owners only care about is protecting its profits, and continue the National Football League’s tax-exempt status. Change will only come if the leagues sponsors feel this could hurt their bottom line which apparently Nike and Anheuser-Busch did yesterday.
For the fans it’s all about winning. They may say everyone deserves a second chance, but only if they can help their teams win. Amazing how forgiving owners and fans can be when it makes the owners money and allows fans to do their chest thumping when their teams are victorious.
Aria Prescott commented
2014-09-17 03:16:58 -0400
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Hey, Fox- Since I hate how freakin’ humid it is right now, can I find a way to tie that on Benghazi, as well? How about if I get gassy from lunch tomorrow? If something breaks, that can be benghazi, too. If a radio host says something out of bounds? Benghazi. If I sneeze too loud? Benghazi.
I’m still not half as ridiculous with it as they are, but I’m also not working on it.
I’m still not half as ridiculous with it as they are, but I’m also not working on it.
Kevin Koster commented
2014-09-16 21:54:49 -0400
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It’s fairly obvious that all the Fox News personalities have been told to work a Benghazi reference in wherever they can. Particularly on the eve of the latest opportunity for Trey Gowdy to play the prosecutor card – without any actual evidence, of course.
about Fox's Hasselbeck Makes NFL Scandal About Benghazi
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2014-09-16 19:11:53 -0400
You knew it had to happen sooner or later, right?