It turns out Fox's favorite Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy, is not just a lying lawbreaker but quite the racist, too. The New York Times caught him in a racial rant in which - among other things - he said about African Americans, "I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.” UPDATED: Bundy doubles down... on video!
Today's New York Times reported on a Bundy "press conference" on Saturday to which only one reporter and one photographer (presumably from The Times) showed up. So Bundy engaged in a "a long, loping discourse" with his supporters that included Bundy's views on race:
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Bundy is just the latest in a long line of racists and race baiting that Sean Hannity and Fox have sanctioned. But other than Donald Trump's birtherism, none have received the kind of attention and promotion as Bundy.
Will Hannity and Fox News continue to stand by their man? Stayed tuned!
UPDATE: Tommy Christopher caught Bundy affirming this report today, saying, "What I said: 'I'm wondering.' ...That's exactly what I said. I said, I’m wondering if they’re better off under government subsidy, and their young women are having the abortions and their young men are in jail, and their older women and their children are standing, sittin' out on the cement porch without nothing to do, you know, I’m wondering: Are they happier now under this government subsidy system than they were when they were slaves, and they was able to have their family structure together, and chickens and garden, and the people had something to do?”
Yes, just asking!
Here’s another one from the Claremont Institute
I remember my high school history teacher telling us that both Hitler and Mussolini started off by calling themselves socialists but how it was almost immediately clear that they were nothing of the sort. Names are only words: it’s what is actually done that counts and there’s no denying that Southern Democrats were an extremely conservative bunch until the 1960s when they started voting Republican. Until then *, many Southerners *voted Democrat simply because Lincoln had been a Republican:
Anybody who thinks slavery was/is so great should do a bit of thinking on that statement the next time he or she decides to take a walk in the park, perhaps go to that shop over there, not this one here, take a plane to Bermuda, couple with the woman or man of his/her choice, be able to care for one’s own children, etc.
Material things like food, clothing, shoes and a roof are not and never have been the be-all-end-all to human beings.
So who’s the racist here? Bundy, who questions whether the modern Black family is better off than their enslaved ancestors? Or the political heirs of LBJ, who infamously said of his “war on poverty” scheme, “These Negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something. I’ll have those n*****s voting democratic for the next 200 years.”
The truth may be unpleasant, but it’s still the truth.
I really think this is the RW desperately throwing every mud ball they can at the ‘wall’, hoping to find something that sticks. Every one of their ‘conspiracies’ and manufactured scandals have failed, and they are truly petrified at what is occurring.
Autocorrect got me again.
Due to many interactions with right-wingers who spout the same talking points as Bundy, I strongly suspected a racist streak in Bundy. Now, here’s the real question: how many of his right-wing supporters also knew that this was his position, and are “shocked” that he said what he did regarding the “negro”? I’d wager that they’re only shocked that Bundy was so isolated from reality that he didn’t realize he needed to use projection and code words, e.g. “It’s the Democrat party that tries to perpetuate a plantation-mentality for blacks” or “inner-city welfare queens are draining our budget.”
But, seriously, he just spewed some major ugliness that should cause some very uncomfortable squirming amongst the Bundy supporting talking heads on FOX “news” and talk radio. And while Bundy’s comments are certainly despicable, I wonder which is more offensive – his obvious, appalling racism or his right-wing stupidity with regards to the sly, conservative whitewashing of “family life” under slavery? This is hardly the first time we’ve heard this sort of thing spouted by right-wingers (such as Presidential candidates like Santorum and Bachmann) and it only serves to showcase the pitiful, abject ignorance of the person who says it.
I noticed that the F&F stooges totally avoided even mentioning Bundy on today’s show. And I also noticed that, despite the facts uncovered which showed that Bundy has been lying about when his family bought their ranch, F&F didn’t report that either. So far, has anyone else heard a FOX “news” show report either of these 2 recent updates to the Bundy saga? “We report, you decide”? Uh, yeah, it looks like F&F doesn’t quite understand the “we report” part when such reporting makes their latest conservative hero look like a jackass. I’m sure BOR and Kurtz’s “Media Buzz” show will be all over this – you know, calling them out for showing their media bias through selective non-reporting. Bwaaah!
FOX “news” and Ailes own Bundy now…
Putin fan Hannocchio has put his aging, racist behind in a serious dilemma. If he abandons Bundy his audience will abandon him. If he sticks with Bundy his advertisers will abandon him. Karma is great.
The Stop Hannity Express says tie Bundy around Hannocchio’s waist. Use the videos of him praising Bundy, and send it to the GOP, and Reince.
Grab a big box of popcorn. You are about to see Hannocchio have a meltdown.
There’s no excuse for Bundy not to know that slaves were at risk of being bought and sold just like any form of livestock; forced to accept whatever their owner gave them just like any form of livestock (the lucky ones were probably just as well fed and cared for as the horses and cows) and subject to severe punishment for even thinking about leaving their masters without permission. That’s Bundy’s idea of freedom? I’m (almost) speechless.
I’d be sooooooooo happy to give that ignoramous a week’s experience living the life of a slave.
Tell you what, Cliven . . .
If you’re really that curious, why don’t you and all the other teabagging wingnut racists that seem to think life under slavery was so GREAT — should just BECOME slaves for awhile . . . that’s right, get sold as property and have your family broken up, work sunup to sunset for no pay, receive minimal food and clothing, be whipped for the slightest infraction, and be threatened with death if you attempt to escape.
And while you’re at it, you can have African Americans as your overseers and slave owners — you’ll be judged as not being good for anything other than slaves (and subsequently be denied your civil rights for many years even after slavery ends) for no reason other than the color of your skin.
Somehow, I think Cliven and his buds won’t think slavery is so great after that experience . . .
They sure know how to pick them.
Oh yes! Even far more reason for Slanthead to slobber over Bundy!
Thanks for noticing this story; I missed it, and it really is incendiary.