Either Fox Nation has an intern doing its headlines or it has no shame in its bias. Of course, the Nation page is normally more opinionated than the main site, but calling names in headlines is ridiculously childish. Today's case in point: "Rachel Madd-cow Gets a Grammy Nomination?"
Maddow is not the only one Fox Nation stoops to calling names. Bill Maher is routinely referred to as "Pig Maher."
It's heartwarming to see that Fox Nation has taken time out of its hysterical "War on Christmas," where it complains that America isn't Christian enough, to use ad hominem attacks on a liberal because . . . she got nominated for something.
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Ellen commented
2012-12-09 00:21:04 -0500
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Rick Patel: Your comment is offensive. Unfortunately, the “rules violation” notice seems not to be working. So consider this comment a warning. I already get a zillion complaints about your posts. I have not banned you with our latest software because I find your posts so ridiculous as to be entertaining. But one more like this one and you will be banned again with no further notice.
Jeff Simons commented
2012-12-08 00:10:10 -0500
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They do this with Bill Maher every time he says something, call him Pig Maher.
Chuck Heppner commented
2012-12-07 16:28:19 -0500
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The mendacious minions of the FOX and Fiends are almost as upset as the “stars” of FOX and Fiends themselves are jealous. And it’s because there is no way in Hell that they will ever be chosen for a Grammy nomination, simply because they are NOT journalists or even intellectually qualified to be members of the PRESS.
The employees of the FOX Noise Channel are totally ignorant of the Fourth Estate of Government, because unbeknownst to them, they are the scurrilous wankers who helped bring the vision of, Roger Aisles, into fruition. It isn’t GOP/TV per se, but the Faux News Channel
The presstitutes of FOX and Fiends are key players in the final evisceration the MSM and the morphing of the Fourth Estate into a fifth column for the Republican Party. They broadcast the most vile agitprop which makes even KGB professionals like, Vladimar Putin green w/ envy. Even, Joseph Goebells is so exponentially jealous that he’s recently been reported to be spinning in his grave.
The employees of the FOX Noise Channel are totally ignorant of the Fourth Estate of Government, because unbeknownst to them, they are the scurrilous wankers who helped bring the vision of, Roger Aisles, into fruition. It isn’t GOP/TV per se, but the Faux News Channel
The presstitutes of FOX and Fiends are key players in the final evisceration the MSM and the morphing of the Fourth Estate into a fifth column for the Republican Party. They broadcast the most vile agitprop which makes even KGB professionals like, Vladimar Putin green w/ envy. Even, Joseph Goebells is so exponentially jealous that he’s recently been reported to be spinning in his grave.
Dave McCall commented
2012-12-07 16:13:30 -0500
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I love Rachel and watch her every day. But she does this sort of thing, too (to be fair). Remember the recent Cirque du Shel-A graphic?
Aria Prescott commented
2012-12-07 13:50:30 -0500
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Nance, when it comes to Fox News and Nation… after a while, it just turns into a huge blur, where all you can make out is when they’re x degrees worse, and those very, very rare moments of sobriety.
And the moments of sobriety are sometimes blurred a little by that they seem to be doing it to mess with te other people.
And the moments of sobriety are sometimes blurred a little by that they seem to be doing it to mess with te other people.
Anne-claire Souza commented
2012-12-07 10:19:45 -0500
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The sour grapes get more sour as the days go by.But lets face it what can we expect from a bunch of people that exist on hate and discontent.I was always under the understanding that"Envy "is one of the deadly sins.
But this may not be pertaining to the “Frantic Foxies”.
But this may not be pertaining to the “Frantic Foxies”.
mlp ! commented
2012-12-07 09:19:38 -0500
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Rachel’s extremely bright, attractive, warm & friendly, and now, probably quite wealthy. Her career will likely outlive most of the denizens of Goober Land that are mocking her.
I’m going to bet that being referred to as ‘Rachel Madd-Cow’ doesn’t bother her near much as all of the above bothers the Goobs.
I’m going to bet that being referred to as ‘Rachel Madd-Cow’ doesn’t bother her near much as all of the above bothers the Goobs.
d d commented
2012-12-07 08:31:48 -0500
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FoxNation is a perfect example of a website that, to use BOR’s own words, “traffics in hate”.
BOR has called out numerous other websites that supposedly traffic in hate so I have no doubt that he’ll call out FoxNation for this hateful and despicable reference. After all, BOR is a “fair & balanced”, “no spin” kind of guy. Oh, wait….nevermind.
BOR has called out numerous other websites that supposedly traffic in hate so I have no doubt that he’ll call out FoxNation for this hateful and despicable reference. After all, BOR is a “fair & balanced”, “no spin” kind of guy. Oh, wait….nevermind.
Rick Patel commented
2012-12-07 07:29:44 -0500
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Shameless, indeed. Everyone knows it’s Ralph Madcow.
doors17 commented
2012-12-07 06:26:39 -0500
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Whenever I read the comments at Fox Nation I can’t get the sound of a banjo out of my head.
Fox Nation proves the old saying that you can’t fix stupid, but you can numb it with a 2 X 4.
Fox Nation proves the old saying that you can’t fix stupid, but you can numb it with a 2 X 4.
Bemused commented
2012-12-07 03:48:33 -0500
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Salt in the wound stuff, just like Sandra Fluke being nominated for the cover of Time Magazine. Such haaaarrrrrd times for the foxy faithful. Their poor heads must be spinning.
Any news about that idea of the extremist wing (aka tea party) splitting off from the republicans?
Any news about that idea of the extremist wing (aka tea party) splitting off from the republicans?
Justin Gibson commented
2012-12-07 01:06:08 -0500
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I’m happy that Rachel Maddow got a Grammy nomination. Suck on that, Fake Newsers!
Pete Luzzi commented
2012-12-06 23:41:55 -0500
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they are just haters! they are jealous that there’s not any real journalists at the propaganda network!