Fox’s favorite sheriff, David Clarke of Milwaukee launched another round of incendiary attacks on Fox's usual scapegoats, this time for the shooting deaths of two NYPD officers on December 20. At the same time, Clarke complained about the “irresponsible and inflammatory” rhetoric of other people. But instead of calling him on it, host Neil Cavuto sounded admiring as he described Clarke as “fired up and fed up.”
Clarke has quite a record of crazy:
He once “assured” citizens that he would never enforce any Obama-administration order to seize their guns because that would bring on “the second coming of an American Revolution, the likes of which would make the first revolution pale by comparison.”
In a radio ad, he urged residents to grab their guns instead of dialing 911.
He accused a Milwaukee County Executive of having “penis envy.”
Clarke is also a likely candidate for Milwaukee mayor next year (Republican, of course).
Which means there’s nothing not to like about Clarke if you’re Fox News. Especially when you consider how eagerly he plays the role of African American black attacker.
In a discussion about the NYPD officers' deaths, Clarke complained about “irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric from some of the highest offices in the land because what it has done is allowed these loons, if you will, to come out of their sewers and start to operate above ground. These individuals, these cop bashers, these cop haters, these anarchists, usually have to do this from underground, but now they feel they’ve been given license by some very powerful people.”
Can you guess which powerful people he had in mind? Clarke said there’s a “pathway that was created by the President of the United States, unfortunately, Eric Holder, Mayor de Blasio and others.”
Later, Clarke said the protestors should “go back into the sewers they came from.”
You have to wonder just how extreme right-wing rhetoric would have to be for Fox to deem it irresponsible and inflammatory.
Watch it below, from the December 22 Your World.