As part of Fox’s enthusiastic exploitation of the crisis in Ukraine as a political weapon against President Obama, the Hannity show trotted out Sarah Palin tonight to talk up her “prediction” in 2008 that Russia would invade Ukraine. No, she didn’t see it from her house but on a teleprompter. And, of course, the whole thing was little more than an excuse for yet another Obama bashing session
News Corpse does a good job of explaining the back story of Palin’s pretense:
(T)he evidence of Palin’s alleged prophecy was a trifling passage from a campaign speech she gave in October of 2008. Although she was obviously reading from a TelePrompter a speech that was surely written for her by McCain staffers, the substance of her remarks fell somewhat short of the clairvoyance about which she is boasting.
As News Corpse explains, Palin’s stump speech forecast what she called the “four crisis scenarios” that would occur under an Obama administration. Crisis Scenario 1 was Obama’s supposed proposal “to meet with the regime in Tehran.” Crisis Scenario 2 was to send our military into Pakistan, Crisis Scenario 3 was the “grave risk” he was causing to our troops in Iraq and Crisis Scenario 4 was about Russia:
“After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.”
News Corpse also points out that Obama’s reaction was almost indistinguishable from Palin’s running mate, Senator John McCain. Furthermore, Russia’s invasion of Georgia happened in 2008, while George W. Bush was still president. Does anyone seriously think that the Russians parsed what then-candidate Obama said about Russia almost six years ago and decided it was OK to invade Ukraine as a result? Or that because then-candidate Obama didn’t immediately threaten some kind of retaliation that Russia considered that a green light to invade all these years later?
“Governor, you predicted this with pinpoint accuracy back in 2008,” Hannity gushed. So in addition to the Obama bashing, the segment gave Palin an opportunity to play a foreign policy expert on TV. Must be all those newspapers she reads.
Palin said:
(Putin) harkens back to the era of the czars and he wants that Russian empire to grow again. He wants to exert huge power and dominance… I’m right when I talk about that inherent link between energy and security, energy and prosperity. And when we don’t develop our resources… and so many others are reliant upon Russia, who does develop their resources, and with that wealth are able to strengthen their military and their influence and power on the globe, then other nations are in trouble.
…Under the Commander-in-Chief that we have today… the perception of him and his potency across the world is one of such weakness. …People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears Mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.
If Fox News really cared about looking strong on the world stage, they wouldn’t be using every single opportunity to smear President Obama they can possibly seize. How do they think that looks? Or does maligning Obama trump any and all concerns for our country?
What the Russians did was recognize a weak, ineffective leader, a girly-man, when they saw one (they probably contributed to his campaign too, like so many other foreigners did after obysmal disabled his campaign site’s ID checks). THEN, years later, they knew they could do anything they wanted, because obysmal promised to be more “flexible” (read: He’s a total wimp, which isn’t the word I’d really like to use). You know all this already. It’s sad that you’re so blindly partisan that you’ll tell any lie to defend the most useless, damage-causing politician this country has ever seen.
Response: If Obama’s too weak and stupid to handle anything, what’s that say about the conservatives who can’t beat Obama without just holding their breath until a deadline’s passed- And still lose fare more than they win when that’s an option?
…And- Crickets!
“But, I will fear waterboarding!”
In reality, Hannocchio won’t run for any office. He has a dark past with dark secrets, and he fears daily that it will become public knowledge. There are people in small circles who know all about his..ahem..“activities” and will sing like canaries if he ever runs for any office.
His audience views him as a Boy Scout. Little do they know that he is far from that image.
KABC radio in Los Angeles replaced this aging man’s show with local hosts. Apparently, Hannocchio’s little radio show has become a complete bore to the station’s management.
Visitor 55: Putin is not the only man Lolito lusts after.
As for Hannocchio the Thespian, this aging cafeteria Catholic tells his radio audience he’s not afraid of Putin, yet the clown is afraid to waterboard himself for charity.
Putin would not waste his time talking to an uneducated, mediocre bartender, and third-rate construction worker from the streets of New York.
Just because Hannocchio interviewed world leaders does not make him an expert on international affairs. In reality, he’s nothing but an overpaid teleprompter reader. The sooner the Fox “News” suits replace with a younger host, the better.
You should fear being replaced. The suits are talking.
Did Slanthead tell the Great White Moose Hunter of the North how strong he’d be if he were in the White House?
On the radio Monday, he told someone, “make me president and I won’t fear Putin!”
(That’s all I caught, as again, most of Hannocchio Monday was preempted in the NYC metro radio market. The Grapefruit League drives Hannity’s ratings BELOW the cellar!)