In yet another attempt to undermine anti-poverty programs and to suggest the poor are lazy "takers," touts the view held by Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) that those on SNAP are there undeservedly.
The article, which is a summary of a segment from the January 12, 2014 Fox News Sunday, headlines the Republican guest's position only: "GOP rep: Require food stamp recipients to work."
The article makes a pretense of balance by stating, "Both parties are floating ideas to address poverty and 'income inequality,' 50 years after the 'War on Poverty' was first waged, to limited success."
The truth however, is a different story according to Anthony Orlando, a lecturer at CSU, who cites the benefits of programs like the New Deal, Medicaid, Medicare, and food stamps (aka SNAP), all liberal programs, which Republicans are trying to dismantle.
Then we had what is known as the great recession. Many lost their jobs to either outsourcing or upper management having a panic attack in which many companies had massive layoffs since they could lose their mega-millions in salary and bonuses as corporate greed destroyed the middle class that many of us grew up with. The attitudes quickly changed when they were in need, but that’s understandable. It was no longer living paycheck to paycheck, but day to day in the struggle to keep a roof over their heads and feed themselves and families. They would love to work and become productive again, but many in my age group of being over 50 can’t even get an interview, much less a job. We can’t have a strong economy greeting each other at Wal-Mart.
I’m glad that we have these safety nets in case we fall. Like having auto or health insurance, today I’m not in need, but tomorrow could easily be a different story.