In what may be Fox’s most ridiculous smearing of the Ferguson protests yet, a guest accused Democrats of staging the whole thing in an effort to “inspire” and “galvanize” minority voters in 2016. Seriously.
Niger Innis, one of Fox’s regular African American black attackers, described the Ferguson protest as “the circus“ and the protesters as “the paid protestors, the anarchists, the activists, the card-carrying zealots that are out there, the Occupy Wall Street crowd.”
That was probably to be expected. But then Innis came up with his Ferguson conspiracy theory:
I don’t want to get too conspiratorial here, but I do believe that there are elements within the progressive movement that saw the results of 2014 election and saw the decreased turnout in Latino community, saw the lack of enthusiasm in some black communities, the fact that you had some, actually, Republicans like John Kasich get 25% of the black vote. In Georgia, 10% of the black vote went Republican, and these progressive elements said we’ve got to do something to inspire and to revive the kind of galvanized support that we’ve had from these groups before.
…I ultimately believe that they’re doing this, this is ultimately a GOT effort for 2016, to get folk that have been dropping off from that progressive coalition, blacks, Latinos, and by the way, this is not just a Michael Brown issue, this was the executive amnesty issue that came within days by the way of the verdict, that’s not an accident that President Obama did that.
…These politicians have tried, they’ve tried their big government liberal solutions, they have failed, they’re out of touch, and they are desperate to regain relevance by whatever means necessary and that includes President Obama and his Attorney General.
Cavuto gave Innis the stamp of approval: “It’s always good having you, Niger, for no other reason than just another perspective. A very smart perspective at that. Thank you my friend.”
Watch it below, from the November 26 Your World.