Fox News in general, and Sean Hannity in particular, are accusing the Obama campaign of being the “dirtiest ever,” and bemoaning its use of attack ads. Yet when Fox Fave Rep. Allen West uses a sorry incident in his rival’s reckless youth as material for an attack ad, he nods approvingly, Fox Nation calls it “inspiring” and the wingnuts eat it up.
The ad in question contrasts the virtuous veteran West with his rival, drunken Democrat Patrick Murphy, as follows: “February 16, 2003... Lt-Col Allen West had just received his deployment orders and prepares his men to go to war. That night… Patrick Murphy is thrown out of a club for fighting – covered in alcohol, unable to stand. Murphy then confronts and verbally assaults a police officer.” Cue a mug shot of Murphy, who was 19 at the time, and dramatic “First 48” style music and graphics. “Two men, a country in crisis. You decide.”
"Patrick Murphy is running a nasty, negative campaign against Allen West to distract from his dangerous record," wails the West campaign's YouTube site. Yeah, Murphy has put out some pretty negative ads that use West’s own words against him. So in return, West dredges up his rival’s youthful run-in with the law in a manner that IMHO is more than just negative - it's vicious. And also hypocritical, gentle reader - remember how the virtuous veteran West’s military career ended after he got into trouble for firing a gun next to an Iraqi prisoner’s head during an interrogation?
Hannity, who gets very upset when he sees ads criticizing Romney’s policies and philosophy, doesn’t seem to mind in the least when one of Fox’s pet wingnuts throws scurrilous dirt. He mentioned the ad approvingly on his show last night (sorry I don’t have the video – just trust me). Fox Nation’s headline blares “’Devastating’ New Allen West Ad” (Of course. They're all devastating - but why is the word in quotation marks this time, I wonder?) The Fox Nation faithful are saying things like:
Gag. Just - gag.