In today’s edition of FOX News double standards, Hillary Clinton was criticized and called a coward on the “Outnumbered” show for declining a FOX News debate against Bernie Sanders. But there was no mention of Donald Trump’s “cowardice,” even though he skipped one FOX debate and refused to do another.
Cohost Sandra Smith introduced the segment: “Hillary Clinton turning down an offer to appear in a proposed FOX News-hosted Democratic debate ahead of the California primary.”
She said Sanders accepted the invitation last week “under the assumption Hillary Clinton would also take part.”
Smith then quoted a statement from the Clinton campaign that said, “We plan to compete hard in the remaining primary states, particularly California, while turning our attention to the threat a Donald Trump presidency poses.”
A clip was then played of Sanders criticizing Clinton for not accepting the debate offer.
Smith then set up cohost Melissa Francis to attack by noting that in 2008, Clinton “taunted her then-opponent Barrack Obama,” saying, “Candidates should be tough enough to debate anytime, anywhere.”
“It seems like the shoe is on the other foot now and it doesn't fit that well and it’s kind of uncomfortable and it’s giving her blisters and she’d like to get rid of it,” Francis mocked. She claimed that one reason Clinton is skipping the debate is because she’s worried about "choking."
The show’s #OneLuckyGuy, Mike Baker, said Clinton’s team probably advised her not to do the debate because there is no up side to it. However, Baker added, her refusal plays into Bernie Sanders’ narrative (about a rigged system) and he’s very happy.
Cohost Harris Faulkner surprisingly defended Clinton, asking if this was just Clinton’s team thinking it gives her time to gear up for Donald Trump. “Why nick yourself on Bernie Sanders and give him even more ammo to hand the other team if you don’t have to?” Faulkner asked. “So I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive to say that she’s gonna sit this out 'cause she thinks she’s got it and she doesn’t want to make any mistakes.”
Francis argued that the debate would give Clinton a chance to get some of Sanders’ people’s support and that she needs to.
They saved the harshest criticism for last as Smith asked Jedediah Bila if there is any upside for Clinton to debate.
Bila attacked: “No, I think it’s too risky. She's terrible at this. She’s bad at answering difficult questions. She’s not a good politician or a campaigner and she’s a coward. So the combination does not work well for her."
Bila’s attack continued, “I know a lot of people in academia, they can’t stand her. I mean, they loathe her. […] Her unfavorables are so high. People who support Bernie Sanders are much like people who supported Barrack Obama in 2008. They're inspired by his message. They believe he has a consistent political record. They believe he’s not a typical politician, even though he’s been in Washington for awhile. I don’t think they’re gonna shift over.”
But wait, there’s more Clinton attacking!, “I think it proves she’s afraid of Bernie Sanders because he will show her up on that stage. And I think she’s afraid of FOX News,” Bila added.
Clinton has done many debates with Sanders so why now would she be afraid and concerned Sanders would show her up?
Funny, there was no mention that Trump skipped a FOX debate then refused to do another debate - that FOX had to cancel as a result.
Was Trump a coward?
There was also no mention that Clinton did a town hall with Sanders on FOX News in March. She was not afraid then.
Another "Far and Balanced" Clinton segment from FOX news.
Watch it below, from the May 24 Outnumbered.
New Jersey and California both vote on June 7, but New Jersey is east coast and gets counted first.
When Hillary locks it up, she can finally turn around and shoot some holes in the keester of the orange loudmouth. She ought to fire a few rounds in the direction of Faux Noise for good measure.
CURRENT DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE COUNT (2,383 needed for nomination):
Clinton: 2,305
Sanders: 1,539
Yep, she’s just shaking in her boots . . .