It’s the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and I think we all know it’s going to be consequential. We’ve got it streaming after the jump. And I look forward to all your thoughts and observations.
I’ll be doing some live blogging as it happens. Share your thoughts before, during and/or after!
(Streaming video below via PBS NewsHour)
(Biden/Trump image via screen grab)
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Bemused commented
2020-09-30 05:12:34 -0400
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I really don’t appreciate the BBC acting like CNN did in 2016. In their misguided desire to appear neutral, they are pussy-footing around the inescapable fact that Trump’s behaviour turned the event into a non-debate. While Biden may have made a couple of statistical mistakes (notably about the deficit with China), practically nothing of what Trump said was true. The BBC is making the same mistake that CNN did in 2016: presenting the peccadillos of one side as somehow equivalent to the outright violations of the truth on the other side.
Bemused commented
2020-09-30 04:58:18 -0400
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I rather like Jan Hall’s idea about placing the candidates in sound-proofed booths with turned-off mikes for anybody who wants to speak out of turn. And we all know who that will be, eh?
Bemused commented
2020-09-30 04:56:45 -0400
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Watched the whole of the non-debate and feel that Biden did about as well as anybody could under the circumstances. He managed to deliver a few one liners, several of which are worthy of more attention. But he succeeded in avoiding the temptation to get down into the gutter where Trump wallows. The parts where Biden talked directly to the viewers were pretty good (IMO). He should have used the phrase comparing Park Avenue and Scranton.
Wallace tried – but it wasn’t his best – to keep Trump to the agreed rules. Wallace seemed to be pretty frustrated towards the end, but his followers won’t pick that up. They will like the fact that Trump was rude and overbearing (like a one-trick pony).
Wallace tried – but it wasn’t his best – to keep Trump to the agreed rules. Wallace seemed to be pretty frustrated towards the end, but his followers won’t pick that up. They will like the fact that Trump was rude and overbearing (like a one-trick pony).
John McKee commented
2020-09-29 23:01:33 -0400
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Wow. Trump is more capable than I ever imagined. He managed to tweet dozens of times DURING the debate.
John McKee commented
2020-09-29 22:41:23 -0400
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Bring up the Kobach ‘3 million illegal votes’ debacle.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:37:54 -0400
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I’ll bet Trump’s supporters will say he owned Biden and Wallace and that he showed how much he’s fighting for America.
John McKee commented
2020-09-29 22:37:31 -0400
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What an effing mess. The Election Commission has to give the remaining moderators a mike cutting switch.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:36:25 -0400
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Now Crybaby is urging his supporters to go to the polls and “watch.”
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:34:24 -0400
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I believe that Trump fans will think he aced this. However, I doubt he won over anyone new. I hope he turned off plenty.
doors17 commented
2020-09-29 22:33:01 -0400
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Chris Wallance lost control from the very beginning. I really thought he would do a better job. Trump has made a complete ass out of himself tonight.
John McKee commented
2020-09-29 22:25:24 -0400
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C’mon, Joe. Tell Doofus that the vast majority of California’s forests are on federal land!
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:20:33 -0400
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Now Wallace argues with Trump, leaving out Biden. Oy.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:19:18 -0400
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Wallace has unexpectedly brought up climate change.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:16:58 -0400
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Trump just refused to condemn white supremacy again.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:15:48 -0400
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Good on Biden for bringing up son’s military service and challenging Trump on calling troops losers.
Jan Hall commented
2020-09-29 22:11:57 -0400
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Can’t they both be put in a sound-proof booth to answer questions?
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 22:09:41 -0400
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I think Biden should say something like, "Do you think talking nonstop looks presidential?
John McKee commented
2020-09-29 22:02:19 -0400
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Wallace is doing a pretty good job but I do wish he would cut the mikes when they interrupt. Trump is drowning out poor old Joe more than half the time.
Marge Arnold commented
2020-09-29 22:01:15 -0400
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Biden looks cool, calm, collected and healthy for his age next to sweat bag Trump who looks like his underwear is soaked, sticking in his crack, and he can’t wait for a commercial break to do a reach around and pull it out.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 21:57:33 -0400
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Trump “responds” by bringing up Biden’s old “super predators” remark and segueing into he’s supported by law enforcement.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 21:56:40 -0400
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Excellent Biden attack on race. “This is a president who has used everything as a dogwhistle.” And he brings it back to COVID killing more people of color.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 21:52:40 -0400
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Biden needs to say something to shut Trump up or make him unglued and defensive.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 21:51:09 -0400
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Chris Wallace has totally lost control of this s***show and he’s too afraid to tell Trump to shut up.
John McKee commented
2020-09-29 21:45:04 -0400
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Joe is wiping the floor with him on truth and actual real world things, but I haven’t seen anything yet that will shake the faith of hardcore Trumpists. Hopefully, those on the margins of Trump’s remaining supporters are seeing the scales come off their eyes.
Ellen commented
2020-09-29 21:42:04 -0400
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Wallace just allowed Trump to cheat by getting extra time,.