One of News Hounds complaints about the Fox “News” Phony War On Christianity (not to be confused with its seasonal Phony War On Christmas) is that the station’s Good Christians only ever seem to talk to the station’s other Good Christians about the Phony War On Christianity. There is no other point of view on display. Maybe Bolling has been reading News Hounds, otherwise why would he invite Dan Barker, of the Freedom From Religion Foundation on the air to give the other side of the story? FFRF is the group protesting the placement of a manger with the baby Jesus at a county courthouse in Texas. Several Fox “News” televangelists had taken up the Texas manger previously, with Bolling even paraphrasing a phone conversation he had with Freedom From Religion spokesperson on The Five, who argued for the inclusion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster at the manger. This would have been the first time, to the best of my knowledge, that we’d actually be hearing from someone from that organization. However, if you were hoping to hear an intellectual debate, you’d be sorely disappointed. Aside from Bolling’s lack of intelligence, the minute Barker started espousing his group’s view on what Jesus represents, Bolling took great umbrage on behalf of the Son of God.
“Sir! Sir! I have to stop ya. This is my show. You see this? The name of the show is ‘Follow the Money with Eric Bolling.’ I can’t allow you to talk like that on my show. You’re absolutely wrong. You, sir, are denigrating the name of Jesus Christ on my show. I’m not going to let it happen. I’m going to say goodbye to you right now. Thank you very much for your time. ‘Preciate your time. Buh bye.”
Both of them displayed more ignorance than anything else, but Bolling is supposed to be a professional. Oh wait, it’s Fox News, where Outrage Rules.