An example of Fox working hand-in-hand with Republicans was in full view this morning as Steve Doocy cheerleaded Republican Senator John Cornyn's grandstanding-for-the-cameras call for Attorney General Eric Holder's resignation. Just moments after co-host Brian Kilmeade said that Cornyn's was one of "more calls" for Holder to resign, Doocy said Cornyn's words "took a lot of courage." Why? Because Cornyn knew he'd get mega facetime on Fox and have his comments replayed over and over on millions of television screens?
It's been almost two years since I wrote about Fox News' witch hunt against Eric Holder. Since then, Fox has been enthusiastically doing its best to destroy his credibility and push him out. The only "courageous" act by Cornyn was to make sure he was ready for his close-up.
Video via Media Matters.
(3/28/20 Update: Video is no longer available)
Fux Nuze (aka Vox Vatican) would never say a discouraging word about him.
The actual full statements by both indicate that Cornyn was trying to get as many nasty attacks at Holder as he could while he had the mike. Holder began to respond and Cornyn shouted him down. When Cornyn finished his tantrum, Holder responded with what I view as a tremendous amount of self control, pointing out that the tantrum was full of a “breathtaking” number of untrue statements.
The O’Reilly debate between Colmes and Crowley that followed was instructive. Crowley actually admitted that she didn’t see Holder being forced from office. (And she’s right. He won’t be.) Colmes made the points both that the Fast & Furious witch hunt is just that, and that the current scandal is intended as revenge for the Wilson/Plame scandal rather than being motivated by any real basis. O’Reilly still headlined his segment that Holder was being pushed to resign, which belied the point that the suggestion was coming from the usual GOP suspects that have been harrassing Holder since day one. As a special touch, O’Reilly tried to catch Colmes off guard by asking about the Marc Rich pardon of 2000 under Bill Clinton. Colmes wasn’t on his game fast enough to note that Scooter Libby was Rich’s lawyer for almost the wholee time.