Congressman Joe Walsh may have settled up with his ex-wife over the more than $100,000 in child support she had been trying to collect from him but that doesn’t exactly make him a model of fiscal responsibility. As The Hill reported, “(Walsh) had a condo he owned foreclosed on. He allegedly told his ex-wife, Laura Walsh, that he could not pay her child support during his (2010) campaign because he was between jobs, according to her attorneys. But they point out that Walsh loaned his campaign $35,000, and has repaid himself approximately $14,000 of that so far.” But hey, he’s facing a tough re-election fight, so why not go for broke (so to speak) and attack Hispanics as being financially irresponsible? After all, Walsh was on The O’Reilly Factor and he could be pretty sure O’Reilly wouldn’t bust him on it.
In a discussion in which Walsh accused Democrats of deliberately trying to “hook” Hispanics into being dependent on government handouts, Walsh said:
Once they have you hooked on government, you’re going to keep voting for them. We’re at a scary point right now, Bill, because look, we’ve got half this country that’s not paying federal income taxes. We’ve got the highest rate of government dependency we’ve had since the end of World War II. We are about to fall off a fiscal cliff. We can’t support all of this.
O’Reilly – who last September said, “I think everybody understands that black Americans vote for the Democrats because of entitlement spending” – nevertheless did a decent job of challenging Walsh’s thesis.
But O’Reilly never pointed out Walsh’s lack of standing to present himself as an advocate for financial rectitude.
Here’s a man I can wrestle with in front of a fireplace, Ã la Allan Bates and Oliver Reed “Women In Love” style! May the greater misogynist win!
Methinks this moron knows he will lose to Tammy Duckworth, but is spreading his ‘ooze’ around the state in preparation for a senate run. Or, just looking for a place to land? He’s a real Teabagger favorite, so who knows? His special brand of slime and hypocrisy just can’t be wasted!
Walsh’s comments here were not only a matter of barely cloaked racism – they were deliberately nasty in terms of partisanship and personal attacks. He’s a pretty unfortunate piece of work and one can only hope that his constituents will send him home to think about what’s wrong with his conduct before he can do any further damage.