On today’s “objective news” show, America’s News HQ, co-host Bill Hemmer made the “fair and balanced” rules very clear: no talk of obstructionist Republicans allowed; criticize President Obama all you want.
It was a discussion that purported to be about the supposedly “tough poll numbers” for Democrats heading into 2014 and how President Obama’s “anemic” poll numbers might hurt them.
America’s News HQ airs during what Fox calls its “objective news” block of programming. But co-host Bill Hemmer was so biased, he might as well have been wearing a "VOTE GOP" t-shirt.
It was bad enough that conservative Lar Larson was alotted the first and last words. But he also had plenty of uninterrupted time to give a negative review of President Obama’s past record. Larson's first round of attacks on Obama was:
He seems to be at the center of a lot of the corruption and ineptitude of government. ObamaCare, of course, leading the list right there. So, if the recession ended in June of the year that the president took office, now almost five years ago, and the improvements for people who lost their jobs have not been coming very fast and the president works on everything except that problem – you know, he keeps inventing new regulations that help destroy jobs in America, he makes energy more expensive, he shuts down the coal industry, he refuses to sign the Keystone XL pipeline – all of those things could help Americans in a practical way and he’s off worried about income inequality that his own polls tell him doesn’t really matter.
Co-host Hemmer responded warmly, saying, “You give Dan (Gerstein, a Democrat) a lot to think about.”
When co-host Alisyn Camerota said Obama “could argue he’s won legislative victories and he thinks he’s still fighting for some respect,” Larson responded:
The thing is, he really hasn’t, though. Think about what the job of the federal government is: guard national security. Are we safer today than we were when he took over? No, take a look at Iran, take a look at the Middle East, take a look at Syria, take a look at Egypt, take a look at our relationship with Russia. So as a coach, I think President Obama would have long ago been fired for his performance. His performance is poor. And if you think about it, the only reason the unemployment numbers are low is so many people have looked at the economy and said, “I give up.”
Gerstein is hardly a flaming liberal. He’s a former advisor and spokesman for Joe Lieberman. And Gerstein announced at the beginning, “Listen, I’m no apologist for the president. I’ve been deeply disappointed in him.” But when asked to respond to Larson, Gerstein said:
Lars’ distorted perspective is exactly why Washington is held in such low regard. …All he’s saying is, “the president,” “It’s all the president’s fault.” It’s one side, it’s one side. I’ll be the first to admit the president has been timid and weak on the economy. He’s not shown the leadership I would have liked to see. But there has been a congress obstructing him every step of the way. We have gridlock, we have dysfunction…
Oops, no blaming the Republicans allowed! Hemmer broke in to say scornfully: “Dan, move it… understood, I got it. Move forward, though, OK? What does this portend for Democrats trying to win office in November? Make it quick and Lars will get a response here.
Gerstein changed the subject as directed. He predicted a "status quo" election because of disgust with both parties. Hemmer interrupted again, this time to prod Larson for a GOP-friendlier prediction: “If the drag on the economy and the numbers continue, Lars, what is the down ballot effect for Democrats?”
Sure enough, Larson said the Democrats will “lose a lot of seats and I think that’s appropriate.” Then he quickly moved off-topic by bashing President Obama again, this time on energy. That is, if knocking President Obama could ever be considered “off topic” on Fox.
Gerstein asked if he could respond and was told, “make it quick, we’re out of time,” by a curt Hemmer. Gerstein noted, “We’ve had the most productive energy production under President Obama than we’ve had with any president in modern history.”
But “fair and balanced” Hemmer interrupted – and just happened to make sure the segment ended on an anti-Obama note: “And many would say, 'Do more because it leads to jobs.' We’ll pick it up next time.”
Sure you will, Bill. With just the same kind of objectiveness you’ve shown here, I’ll bet.
The answer unfortunately is yes. Billy Bigot could actually be more biased. In which event, he would likely get his own prime-time show like Bildo, KKKlannity, Van Suckup or Skanky KKKelly.
I wouldn’t call it “fair and balanced”, but I would say that he’s preaching to the choir of Fox News viewers who already think this. Which is of course the point of Fox News in general.
I bet there was a meeting where he was told not to candy-coat his hatred of Obama and those who support him.