Charles Krauthammer joined the Fox News chorus of announcements that Obama’s three-month-old second term has been such a failure that he might as well resign. Of course, Fox thought Obama’s first term was so terrible, he all but lost his re-election bid – even after he won it decisively.
On April 30, Special Report host Bret Baier played a clip of Obama's press conference that day in which the president kidded ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl, “Maybe I should just pack up and go home.” Charles Krauthammer wasn’t impressed, of course.
Pack up and go home? Not a bad idea. Look, I think the essence of this is that Obama was really riding high Election Day, then he crushes the Republicans on the fiscal cliff, and he thinks he’s the king of Washington and he’s got an open road. And then all of a sudden, he runs into sequester. …They had to cave on air traffic control, which is going to be a way to push the Republicans into accepting tax hikes on gun control. The President was unable to get the minimal of what he wanted, simply a reporting and on background checks. He’s had a really bad couple of months. I think the momentum out of Election Day is over. He’s treading water right now.
In fact, according to Gallup, the President had a 50% average job approval the week of April 15-22. That’s not treading water. President Obama resign? Only in Fox News’ dreams.