Neil Cavuto has bucked the trend of his conservative buddies. He has not only demanded that everyone give Ebola czar Ron Klain a chance to succeed, he has slammed Republicans who won’t.
As Media Matters reported, right wing media wasted no time attacking President Obama’s choice for Ebola czar. Many of the nay sayers were regular Fox talking heads. But Cavuto was a refreshing change of pace.
Yesterday, in his Common Sense commentary, Cavuto said the following:
I have a message for Republicans who continue to attack Ron Klain, shut up! And save it for issues that matter, not this one that, frankly, does not. OK, so the President’s Ebola coordinator doesn’t have any medical experience. Neither do a lot of you guys. But that hasn’t stopped you from pontificating as if you were Marcus Welby just the same.
Thing is, I don’t recall you making this kind of a big fuss over Stewart Simonson. Remember him? Back in 2004, he was President Bush’s bird flu czar and he didn’t have any medical background either.
What he did have as an Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, was a very thorough working knowledge of government agencies and how they might work together in the event of an emergency. Yet Simonson was just as much the Republican political insider as Klain today is deemed a Democratic political insider. Now that didn’t make Simonson any less effective in dealing with the bird flu as it potentially doesn’t make Mr. Klain any less effective in dealing with Ebola.
Bottom line, you really don’t need an M.D. to simply get this. Ebola calls for a coordinated and coherent government response.
Cavuto went on to slam the Klain critics for attacking over the wrong issue:
That doesn’t mean the administration should get a pass or anyone in government getting a pass, just pass on making Ron Klain the story.
Feel free to focus on health officials changing stories; that’s fine. Feel free to question not implementing a travel ban to and from affected and infected African nations. …Feel free to report on CDC missteps over constantly changing protocols and a fair share of finger pointing.
…Ripping a guy who’s just getting started, trying to get a handle on a crisis? That’s not fair, that’s not right.
Cavuto also noted that “country bumpkin lawyer” Abraham Lincoln” did a pretty good job as president and that “haberdasher turned vice president” Harry Truman finished World War II.
Cavuto concluded with a wallop to the right:
Look, I’m not saying that Mr. Klain’s a hero, but now’s not the time to be calling him or anyone, a hack. Remember just because this virus is mutating doesn’t mean simple civility and decency should be mutating with it. Because that would be sick. Not just because Mr. Klain and, yes, the President,deserve better, but because the American people do.”
Right or left, it is wrong. Stop it! You’re all sickening me when you do it!
Watch it below, from the October 21 Your World.