Former News Hound Melanie has a hilarious post in which she describes how, thanks to the wonder of Twitter, she was able to glean exactly the "gist of a Fox 'News' interview without the agony and fury of having to watch it."
By following the tweets of ABC News' Matt Negrin, Melanie (and now the rest of us) got the picture pretty quickly as to just what Cavuto, "the most important journalist in business news" was up to:
4:02 PM Fox's Neil Cavuto's questions for Gov. Walker: How are you holding up?
4:02 PM Cavuto to Walker, on polling: It looks good thus far. If you win, what do you think it means?
Melanie also noted, "It seems to me what with Europe melting down, China faltering and all the attendant ramifications of that, 'the most important journalist in business news' would have actual business news to cover," rather than spend 11:25 minutes on a recall election. But no.
She knows, like we know, that the real business at Fox is promoting Republican candidates and causes. Everything else just has to take a back seat.
For those of you who want to watch it, the actual video of Cavuto's interview with Walker is below.