Neil Cavuto seemed to subscribe to the “domino theory” of nutritionist invasions when he hosted nutritionist Rebecca Scritchfield on Your World to discuss the link between drinking soda and obesity. Two minutes in, Cavuto asked “Let’s say all your intentions are good, and they always are… but you creep into our lives like, you know, Velcro, and you won’t leave. It’s one thing with the soda, and then fatty foods at McDonald’s, and they better get salads on board and yogurt on board. So they do. That’s not enough… Then we go on and on to the pizza makers and who puts too much into their crust and who doesn’t. In other words, you never seem to be satisfied.”
Scritchfield acknowledged, “I do see your point, it does seem to be a lot of policing going around… One of the things that I’d be concerned about, about this link between soda and obesity is thin people are saying, ‘Oh I’m thin, so I can drink all the sweetened beverages I want.' That’s not necessarily true… You can be thin and develop diabetes or a stroke from your habits.”
Cavuto began sputtering. “I know you have our interests at heart… but I’m just thinking bit by bit, we sell our nutritional soul to you. …Everything we do, you’re more or less saying to us, you fat fools, you can’t get a grip on your life, it’s up to us to do that.”
”I actually, Neil, just want people to be healthy,” Scritchfield said. “You can actually be overweight or obese and still be healthy… We spend too much time in the U.S. talking about obesity when we should be talking about health.”
”Yeah, but you’re coming into schools and you’re taking out machines, and then you’re going into fast food joints and you’re taking out their burgers, but you don’t stop. I don’t know what it will be next,” Cavuto said mournfully.
Scritchfield replied, “They went into schools, and they cut back the sweetened beverages. I think they reduced it by 80 some percent.”
“Wouldn’t it be a killer in the end, Rebecca, if everyone’s still fat?" Cavuto asked. "They’ve done all this stuff, and they’re still fat. In fact, they’re fatter than they were before?”
Scritchfield told him, “We need to make time to exercise. Let’s be honest, in our busy schedules, are we really moving like we should be? No. Most people don’t get fruits and veggies. They don’t get their exercise... I think what the beverage industry is doing are steps in the right direction. More choices, smaller portion sizes... I think consumers are getting the message, that they need to cut back on sweet drinks.”
Comment: It seems like Cavuto doesn’t want anyone - government or private sector, to help combat obesity. He just wants everybody to eat, drink, and be merry no matter how unhealthy.
What I love about teabaggers like Kneel Craputo, is how they don’t mind gov’t interference when it comes to things like warrantless wiretapping —but let there be just a HINT of gov’t guidance for healthy eating, and they’ll go ape-crap . . .