Neil Cavuto fear mongered about the state of the country - with a litany of worries about taxes, universal health care, not enough cutting, etc. It left me worried about what kind of country he'd like to make us into, in the name of "restoring" it.
This was Cavuto's "Common Sense" editorial on July 19, 2012:
Between Steny Hoyer saying that food stamps and unemployment insurance is stimulus and the President saying the really successful didn't do it on their own, I'm worried.
I'm worried for a country whose elected leaders define the symptoms of a slowdown as the cures. I'm worried about leaders who'd sooner seek out jobless benefits than jobs, and sooner issue food stamps than to try to stamp out the poverty that makes them necessary.
I'm worried about leaders who define their worth by how much they spend, and not how much they cut.
I'm worried about leaders who define who gets a tax cut based on whether they'll spend it and not on whether it's their money and gosh darn it, maybe they're just due it.
I'm worried about leaders who say they know what to do more with our money than we know what to do with our money.
I'm worried about leaders who say the rich should pay their fair share, but say, 'half the people in this country pay no income taxes – well, that's perfectly fair.'
I'm worried about leaders who lose billions in slip-shod spending and have the nerve, the nerve to call it strategic, and express complete surprise when this country loses its AAA credit rating over money, and they say, 'Don't those rating guys know we can just print it?'
...I've had enough of it. Of politicians who define their worth by the worthless rules and regulations they add, and not the rules and regulations they take away.
Who'd sooner screw up health care for 90% of Americans who have coverage, then admit they're actually making these worse for the 10% who do not. Who would compromise a health care system that's been the world's envy, into one now quickly becoming the world's laughingstock.
..There used to be a time... when food stamps were a last resort,now they're a Norman Rockwell commercial.
You used to have to work for welfare,now you just take the welfare.
...I just don't recognize my country here."
You started off as a baby with zero concepts or talents, you became a toddler with zero concepts or talents, you became a child with zero concepts or talents, you became a juvenile with zero concepts or talents, you became a teen with zero concepts or talents, you became an adult with zero concepts or talents.
That’s the trouble with CONservatives, they don’t recognize necessary developmental transformations because they have zero concepts or talents. You changed from being a pooping cry-baby to what you are now. By your definition you should not know who you are, AND, you should be very, very paranoid every time you look in the mirror. You’ve changed Neil, but only in weight & height.
China – The New Model American Economy
America – Abandoned & Left To Rot
Put all that revenue to trimming the deficit without slashing programs to the bone. It CAN be done. The GOPers want to gut social programs that only account for 5% of the total budget while boosting the defense budget by 15%, and then demanding even more cuts for the social programs to “pay for” the “necessary” defense budget.
When Craputo and his fellow rightwingnut noisemakers say they “don’t recognize” the US, what they mean is they don’t recognize the fact that the White House has a black family living in it {who aren’t servants} . . . or that people aren’t willing to kiss the asses of the 1% {especially when that 1% regularly tells the rest to live on no minimum wages or benefits} . . . or that people who aren’t supposed to have any rights {women, minorities, gays, Muslims} are demanding them — and getting them . . . or that sane people are actually SHOCKED when a racist shoots an unarmed black teenager, or when an obvious nutjob shoots up a movie theater {and even more shocked when the NRA claims both incidents are “proof” the right to bear arms is under attack} . . . or wondering why the Repub presidential candidate isn’t more “likeable” {when getting laughed off the stage in London should have served as an explanation} . . .