CNN’s Brianna Keilar put together another brutal “Roll the Tape” segment, this time targeting Tucker Carlson and his “culture war cuisine.”
Keilar started strong.
KEILAR: Fox, facing a ratings slump after its de facto executive producer lost the presidential election, is leaning even more heavily into its buffet of culture war cuisine. I know it’s about as predictable as someone singing “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” really badly on karaoke night and it’s predictably hypocritical to boot.
Her case in point was Tucker Carlson who had apologized for feeding viewers “partisan junk food” only to follow it up with more partisan junk food. Carlson’s attack on Dr. Jill Biden’s doctorate honorific, his attack on the Bidens’ marriage and, of course, the Dr. Seuss BS were some examples.
KEILAR: In January, Fox had its worst ratings in two decades and now it’s going further off the anti-truth rails in an effort to remedy that. Fox is going full Tucker: more outrageousness, more extreme opinion.
And consider what that means. Tucker Carlson, who recently won a slander case filed against him is not exactly a graduate of the Joe Friday school of journalism. If you want “just the facts,” his show is certainly not the place to go.
The judge in that [defamation] case said Fox’s lawyers, “persuasively argued the general tenor of Carlson’s show should then inform a viewer that Carlson is not stating actual facts about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in exaggeration and non-literal commentary.” The judge said Fox was convincing as it made the case “that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer arrives with an appropriate amount of skepticism about the statements he makes.”
The problem, regardless of what the judge says, is that Fox presents Carlson to viewers as someone who is both credible and believable. And Fox knows darned well he’s being seen that way or else they would not be expanding his role to include “in-depth discussions” and original documentaries.
But truth still matters and kudos to Keilar for getting some of it out there about Carlson.
You can watch her “roll the tape” below, from CNN’s March 5, 20201 Newsroom.