Bill O’Reilly is fed up with all this “war on women” talk. If women earn less than men, it’s because of their emotional nature, not because government should do anything for them. If Michelle Obama is speaking out about women’s rights, it’s only an effort to get out the vote and save the Democratic Party. And O’Reilly seems to think women are too stupid to judge for themselves.
In his Talking Points Memo last night, O’Reilly announced, “The only thing that can save the Democratic party at this point is women voters.” That, according to O’Reilly, is the only reason First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at the U.N. about the need for women’s rights.
Never mind that Mrs. Obama spoke out about the need for a commitment to girls’ education and cited girls like Pakistani’s Malala Yousafzai and the 200 kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls who have risked their lives for an education.
No, O’Reilly wanted to talk about how Mrs. Obama supposedly implied that the U.S. is “not fair to women.” And to take a swipe at her for it.
O’Reilly acknowledged that women make 81% of men in the private marketplace, despite being better educated. But well, too bad.
But what the stats cannot define is the emotional difference between men and women. Right now, there are approximately 5 million stay-at-home moms raising their kids full time. But millions of other American women work part-time, devoting most of their efforts to looking out for their kids. That’s a huge factor in the economic comparisons of men and women. …But it is often underplayed.
…So the First Lady should well understand the invalid comparisons.
O’Reilly also acknowledged that an “old boy network” makes it tougher for women to “gain establishment power.” But, well, too bad about that, as well:
That does not seem to be fair. But life is not fair. I, your humble correspondent, have been scorned by the establishment during my career. Most corporate workers have. Especially if they think independently.
According to O’Reilly, all this “the fix is in against women” business is nothing more than a ploy to get women to vote Democratic and cause even more damage to America:
I do not believe there is a war on women. I do not believe our capitalistic system is holding the ladies back. I believe some stupid men are but that’s something the companies will have to deal with.
…We have all seen what has happened in the past six years that President Obama has tried and tried and tried to impose social justice in America.”
…Many companies now fear women. They are afraid of lawsuits, controversy, negative branding. And believe me, that’s a big reason some women are held back. Children being the other big reason.
But here’s the thing. If the “war on women” is just a hoax, then why does O’Reilly feel the need to mansplain “the truth” to them? His lecture suggests he’s concerned that women are and will find it an appealing meme and react accordingly. So here’s a tip for you, Bill: Dismissing them as dupes is probably not the way into women voters’ hearts.
Oh, and we notice he didn't get into why women might object to being told what they can or cannot do with their bodies.
O'Reilly continued the discussion in his next segment, which I will discuss in my next post.
Meanwhile, watch last night's Talking Points below.