Bill O’Reilly’s known for a lot of things - but honesty has never been one of them. Newshounds has a rather extensive record of lies he has told. So imagine my non-surprise when I was cruising Fox Naion and saw a talking points memo segment in which O’Reilly used a video from Media Matters as proof that his opponents in the librul media are "blatantly dishonest." While the segment might go down as one of his best tantrums, O’Reilly’s own dishonesty is definitely the star of the show.
O'Reilly began by repeating some unverified accusations from Andrew Breitbart - another man whose “honesty” could stand some scrutiny – that Media Matters receives its orders "directly" from the Democratic National Committee and then passes those orders on to MSNBC.
O’Reilly then changed the subject in an effort to "prove" Media Matters' dishonesty:
As you may know, I have been very critical of the oil companies jacking up gas prices when there's plenty of supply available in the U.S.A. Also I've criticized President Obama for doing nothing about it when he could call the oil chieftains into the White House and get behind legislation to limit oil speculation.
Enter Media Matters, who calls me a hypocrite because they say I didn't hammer President Bush when gas prices rose during his tenure. Here is what Media Matters ran on its web site.
He then played a clip of himself saying:
So the next time you hear a politician say he or she will bring down oil prices, understand its complete BS. If Americans want lower gas prices? Cut back.
O’Reilly claimed the clip had been dishonestly edited. So he played this “full clip”:
The Republican Party pretty much lets big oil do whatever it wants and refuses to rein in corrupt speculators who drive up the price of oil. So the next time you hear a politician say he or she will bring down oil prices? Understand it’s complete BS. If Americans want lower gas prices? Cut back.
O’Reilly looked smug as he said:
I believe President Bush is a Republican, is he not? So, Media Matters lied as it always does. It takes video clips out of context every single day. And guess who went wild calling me hypocritical? NBC News in the form of MSNBC. I know, you’re shocked.
But guess what, Bill? You just got caught in one of those “out of context” lies you’re trying to accuse others of telling.
Here’s what was said in the actual full clip, as taken from Nexis, via Media Matters:
The most important problem facing the USA right now is oil prices. And none of the candidates can do a thing about them. They say they can, but that's complete bull. The oil cartel is going to charge as much as it can. The Arabs, Chavez, and the others are going to gouge the world and we can't stop them. The American oil companies are not going to build more refineries and the candidates can't make them. Big oil sees the inevitable shift to alternative energy as going for the big dollars right now.
The Democratic party opposes most drilling. Nuclear energy that liberal countries like France and Sweden have and aggressive action to protect foreign oil supplies.
The Republican party pretty much lets big oil do whatever it wants and refuses to reign in corrupt speculators who drive up the price of oil. So the next time you hear politicians say he or she will bring down oil prices, understand it's complete BS. If Americans want lower gas prices, cut back. Sell those SUVs, ride a bike when you can. If everyone one of us bought 10% less gasoline prices would fall fast.
That's what the candidates should be saying. We need a strong leader who's honest, smart, courageous and willing to explain dubious associations. That's what we need. And that's the memo.
In other words, while O'Reilly was hardly praising President Bush, he was saying then that the key to lower oil prices is less usage and that it's "complete BS" for any politician to say he or she can bring them down. The fact that O'Reilly was trumpeting then what he is not trumpeting now was the real point Media Matters was making about him in their recent post. That and his disingenuousness in blaming Obama now
Now, why would O’Reilly want to leave out his own basic truth in 2012 when he had no problem bringing it up in 2008? Could it be that Obama has been talking about his policy making the “inevitable shift” to alternative energy”, while the GOP (including the Republican candidates and Fox News hosts) have been sitting around bashing it?
But now… now national news agencies are actually lying to you, using out of context quotes that they get from web sites and fabricating things, all in an effort to advance the liberal agenda. Later in this broadcast, you'll hear conservative Rick Santorum criticize Fox News for not helping him out… interesting. So the next time you hear Fox News is a right-wing operation, just mention Rick Santorum's contention.
Actually, what Santorum said was that Fox favors Romney (over him), not that Fox News is liberal or even not conservative.
O’Reilly continued,
The danger here is that the presidential election will not be reported honestly. And that Americans who do not pay close attention will be deceived and therefore, their vote unfairly influenced. That's on them, of course, you can't force people to be fair and wise.
Too easy. Fox has been dishonestly talking about Obama since he ran for president. Media Matters also has a long list of hateful comments made towards Obama for seemingly no other reason than to turn people against him.
But if Andrew Breitbart's contention is true, that the Democratic Party is now coordinating with Media Matters, who is coordinating with MSNBC, that is troubling and a blatant corruption of the First Amendment.
And that's “The Memo.”
So where did O’Reilly prove any of that other than by saying that the deceased (and deceiving) Breitbart said so?
That honesty thing, Bill? If you’re going to demand it of other people, you really should demand it of yourself and Fox News, too.
I would like to invite any News Hounds fellow commentors to review this sight on logic:
You can believe everything I say. I’ve made sexually harassing phone calls to a former Fux Nuze employee and believe you me, I meant every word I said to her – about two million dollars worth. Got that … ?