Bill O'Reilly has gone over the edge over Fox's phony scandal that even Fox's own Juan Williams admits is based on "deliberate misinformation." First, O'Reilly announced that debate moderator Bob Schieffer should have told President Obama, "You screwed up" Benghazi as part of a debate question this week. Then, two nights ago, he lost it again with Charles Krauthammer.
Complaining that the debate was "boring," O'Reilly soon made it clear that what bored him was the lack of attacking President Obama over Benghazi. But if you ask me, what's really eating O'Reilly is that Mitt Romney didn't exploit the subject that Fox has been hyperventilating over ever since September 11, 2012, when the Benghazi attack happened.
O'Reilly: Romney had an opportunity last night, to pose the question I just posed, 'Gee, you know, as an American, I'm concerned here that I don't know, a month and a half after this horrible thing what happened and I'm getting conflicting reports from your State Department and the White House. Can you explain to me, Mr. President, what happened there?' Why wouldn't he ask that?
Krauthammer said Romney's job was "not to play journalist" but "to get elected President of the United States."
O'Reilly continued:
I understand that tactic... It might be the correct tactic. I just feel that the American public deserves more. They want a true leader. We need a true leader... The Libya thing is wrong. It's wrong!... I don't think the governor even cared about it!
Yes, how dare he not make the same big deal over an incident where we don't yet know what happened into the same big deal Fox is making it?
"I don't understand you, Bill," Krauthammer said disapprovingly. "The purpose of a debate isn't to right wrongs."
Apparently, Krauthammer didn't get the memo that the purpose of a debate is to be the kind of Republican candidate Fox News wants their candidate to be.
Video available at Mediaite.
6/17/19 Correction: This post originally called Bob Schieffer Charles Schieffer.
But I also think something else is going on here with regards to BOR’s attacks on Schieffer’s performance as moderator. BOR and Schieffer have bad blood that goes back to when BOR was covering the Falklands war for CBS. BOR and a news crew shot video footage of a mob storming the Presidential palace and taking on the Argentine Army. Many were killed and it was video that no other network had. BOR had said, “it was the best news footage he had ever seen” and thought it was going to be his big moment to get the attention of the CBS brass and to gain the respect of his father. But the footage was put into Schieffer’s report from the Falklands (which aired that night on the CBS Evening News) and BOR got zero credit for it. In the end, BOR quit CBS because of it while Schieffer got a promotion.
And I hardly think it’s just mere coincidence that in BOR’s “Those Who Trespass”, he had the hero character, Shannon Michaels, (based on himself?) violently kill off a veteran correspondent character named Ron Costello who stole a Falkland war story from Michaels. That BOR would go after Schieffer’s debate performance – even when everyone else was telling him he was off his rocker for going after Schieffer who did a good job – reveals that perhaps BOR’s attacks were more personal than objective. Sure, BOR was ticked off at Romney but BOR also saw the opportunity to try and malign/ridicule his old enemy, Schieffer, and he couldn’t resist. There’s no doubt that BOR relishes the fact that he can use his FOX “news” position to go after those he believes have done him wrong. As is often the rule with BOR, look for an ulterior motive.
(Now, I have to go away, hanging my head in shame. I guess it’s not as easy as “Star Trek” made it out in the “Mirror, Mirror” episode. When Kirk and crew got back to the Enterprise and asked how the “Good” Enterprise people were able to tell the Mirror crew from the “real” crew, Spock tells Kirk it was easier for them “as civilized men, to impersonate barbarians than for the barbarians to impersonate civilized men.” I guess playing right-wing stupid is a lot harder than it looks.)
Now, this ebil furrin-born Mooslim and his librul supporters all say how much smarter he is and that he’s able to do a whole lot of stuff at the same time, well he should’ve been able to predict what was going to happen in Benghazi (especially since there was all that other terrist stuff happening there for months). Mr Obama’s supporters say that he’s supposed to be a new Messiah but he can’t tell us what’s going to happen even after getting all the facts that he was sent directly by the CIA people in Libya but they expected President Bush to know that Obama bin Laden was going to take down the Twin Towers on 9/11 a whole month ahead of time? Why that’s insane (of course, like the beautiful Ann Coulter reminds us so frequently, libruls are insane).
(Okay, okay, folks, before you start attacking me, all the above was what you could expect from some idiot in the right-wing noise machine and blogosphere in response to Nayef’s comment. And I have to admit, it was NOT hard to do. I don’t watch FoxNoise or any of its blathering idiots—I actually try to avoid watching any of the embedded video links as well—but I guess I’ve been exposed to enough of their paid trolls and other assorted lapdogs at this site and others to know how they “think” and how they’d respond to certain questions and comments. Again—to reiterate—the above post was PURE SATIRE. Not to be taken as any opinion I would genuinely hold. In fact, I thought I was going to need to take some anti-nausea medicine while posting all that crap.)
I’m sorry — weren’t these the same people who had a SH!TFIT when Candy Crowley corrected Romney at the previous debate?
“asswipe Republicans.”
Remember, Greg — ‘twas a Republican Administration that outed a covert CIA agent as political retribution for that agent’s spouses criticism of that administration . . . and it was a Republican Congressman, Rep. Darrell “Maindrian Pace” Issa (R-CA), who recently released a series of documents that detailed Libyans working (undercover) with US intelligence officials.