Bill O’Reilly took an interesting report from the National Journal, “Why Obama Is Giving Up on Right-Leaning Whites,” and ran with it to suggest that Obama is giving up on all but the most radical of whites in order to favor people of color and “give them what they want.” Yup, the way O’Reilly interpreted the article, his worst fears about the 2012 election are coming true.
Although the article makes it clear that Obama is turning away from Reagan Democrats, who have already largely turned away from the party anyway, O’Reilly suggested that it was a sign people of color – i.e. the “takers” - are taking over. He said:
(T)his influences everybody’s lives. All our lives. If the president is indeed taking on a more arrogant posture in the sense that he’s gonna move as far left as he wants to move. Because he says, ‘Why not?’ I’m not gonna get these people anyway. We don’t need ‘em any more. California now is gonna be mostly Hispanic… Hispanics will be in the majority. The birth rate among white Americans, very low, whereas Hispanic Americans much higher. “I don’t really need these people. So I’m not even gonna represent them. I don’t care about them. I’m gonna create a nanny state, an entitlement society, I’m gonna go right to my base. Give them what they want and everybody else can go you know what.”
O’Reilly later said that if this is “indeed” President Obama’s “mindset,” (and obviously O’Reilly feels it probably is), “(He’ll) govern in a different way. And that way is going to be – you know, very confrontational… ‘Do what I want and I don’t care what you think!’”
Guest Brit Hume seemed to think this would likely backfire on Obama. Hume said that when Obama did that before, he lost big in the 2010 midterms and he predicted “that segment of the electorate,” (i.e. the white tea party) will be “fired up for the right Republican candidate in 2016 (and) will provide a tremendous boost for the Republicans and that the president going left will turn out to have been a mistake.”
O'Reilly always seems to forget that plenty of white people voted for Obama, too. But I guess they're not the kind of "traditional" Americans - i.e. "makers" - that O'Reilly thinks should be driving policy.
Have fun wondering how you lost, idiots.
And yet, here’s Brit Hume, fresh from bashing Hillary Clinton on her way out of the State Department, fresh from bashing anything Obama does, and what’s his conclusion: that Obama will alienate voters, who are sure to sweep GOP candidates to office. Except that Brit predicted this for the election we just had. How’d that work out?
And yet, sure as the sun will rise again, here’s Karl Rove with his white board, scrambling to get everyone to believe they can still somehow defeat Obama, even though he can’t run for office again.
And all of this ignores the near complete civil war going on inside the GOP today. Projection and distraction, thy name may well be Fox…
Of course, this also ignores that Rush Limbaugh has continued his temper tantrum into this year, going with the interesting new thought that “low information voters” are the people who showed up to vote Obama in for a second term rather than doing what Limbaugh had convinced himself would happen. It’s a novel concept – blame the voter. Wonder how that’ll work out…
Rmoney lost bill. It was in all the papers. Did you miss that?
By the way Bill, did you call Pres. Bush “arrogant” after the 2004 election when Pres. Bush said he had a “mandate” and that he had won some “capital” and he intended to use that “capital?”
Is it on Youtube, maybe?
Poor BOR – he’s been called out for his racist attitudes regarding those who voted for Obama and those who receive welfare. So what’s he do in response to the criticism of his remarks? Instead of learning from the results of the last election and listening to voices of reason, he decides that he’s going to try and portray Obama as the one who is being racist (against Whites). Welcome to Bek’s “Obama is a racist” club, BOR. Looks like Bek ought to start selling t-shirts!
Psst, BOR, I notice that when you speak of the “takers” in our country, you always seem to leave out the fact the there’s a whole lot of Whites on welfare, etc. and that, gasp, many of them are conservatives. And, as Ellen pointed out, millions of White folks voted for Obama so it’s hardly just minority voters as you keep emphasizing. Never mind the fact that millions of us Obama voters are hard working “makers” and are not living off government money as you like to insinuate. Plus, a whole lot of them are even Christian and have family values too! But don’t let the truth get in your way, BOR, as your anti-Obama agenda trumps all, eh?