Comedian Sarah Silverman has a video out that has given Fox News a new excuse to rail against the pro-choice community. In it, Silverman is visited by a Jesus who tells her, “Fertilized eggs aren’t people. People are people.” On tonight’s O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly didn’t just object, he announced – with blatant hostility – that he’d like to throw a pie at her.
On her radio show earlier today, Laura Ingraham called Silverman, a “degenerate, foul-mouthed slob of a person.” So guess who The O’Reilly Factor chose as a guest for its segment discussing Silverman’s video tonight? The “no spin zone” on the “we report, you decide” network failed to tell its viewers about Ingraham’s over–the-top grudge.
Instead, O’Reilly seemed to be trying to outdo her. O’Reilly called the video “very offensive” before playing the “people are people” excerpt.
Then, as soon as it was over, he said, “Boy, I’d like to hit her with a pie. …Bang!”
“Oh, yeah, that’d be good,” Ingraham replied.
Now, I can understand someone being offended by the video (embedded below the O'Reilly clip), though I found it rather mild and good-spirited. And I suspect that if Silverman had made a video with Jesus telling someone that life begins at conception, O'Reilly and Ingraham would be praising her courage. But there’s simply no excuse for O’Reilly to suggest he’d like to incur physical violence upon Silverman – or anyone else.
Christians are always telling us what Jesus would say or do if he were here, so why can’t Sarah do the same?
Another stupid time filling segment so Bill doesn’t have to talk about all the crooked Republican Governors.
Yet on tonight’s “Factor” he’s going to highlight his choice for “Pinhead of Week” (you know, where he spotlights OTHER people’s “crazy statements and ignorant actions”) and have on freakin’ Gutfeld and McGuirk to call all out those who crack wise about Christie’s weight?! How about you FOX “news” boys take a look in the mirror?
And now I hear the WH is going to allow BOR to do another Super Bowl interview with Obama. What? They couldn’t find a real journalist to do the interview?
As for her being “degenerate, foul-mouthed slob of a person”, perhaps she is.
But that never seems to bother Fox to hang around with the likes of Dick Morris or Dick Cheney, does it?
But, at least with Silverman, there’s a sense that she thinks this is joking, or maybe it’s joking to her. Compare that to Crowder or Gutfeld, who both also just say the most abrasive things they can think of, but you can tell they mean every word, and that the “just smoking” smile is something they’re forcing. Or O’Reilly and Ingraham, who aren’t even putting up enough pretense to try passing it off as a joke.
That’s the difference here.
Instead of complaining about what other people are doing, Ms. Laura should work on bringing her ratings up. That should be a priority to her.
Aging Billy is the type of “man”-and we use that term lightly-who should never remarry. His violent temper and foul mouth is enough to scare off all women.
This is what’s wrong with the Catholic church. Vile cafeteria Catholic cretins like Billy and Ms. Laura are allowed to be members of the church.
We don’t hear these cretins discuss the molestation problems in the church. Children are being raped by priests in the church. Like good cafeteria Catholics they say nothing. They do more to protect the molesters than call them out.