"National security expert" (and two-time voter fraud suspect) Ann Coulter's comments about President Obama's proposed strike against Syria decisively won our Outrageous Quote of the Week poll last week, garnering 57, or 26%, of the 220 votes cast.
Coulter's winning quote was:
“Democrats, generally they intervene when it is directly contrary to the interests of the United States. They seem to think it’s selfish to do something that will help the United States such as invade Iraq, take out a dictator and preside over several democratic elections.”
Congratulations, Ann, for an award well deserved.
You can view the full results here.
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Sandman2 commented
2013-09-08 14:19:23 -0400
· Flag
Actually, the Teapublicans probably would be “all in” with attacking Mexico. They would vote in favor of it and then complain that Pres. Obama was (1)doing it wrong and (2)pretend they had nothing to do with authorizing the attack.
That’s how they roll.
That’s how they roll.
Amy Fisher commented
2013-09-07 17:45:24 -0400
· Flag
I agree with truman. I think Coulter and Palin should be removed from further competition as absolutely everything they say is ridiculous and outrageous. Let’s give some of the other FauxNoise idiots a chance at the Outrageous Quote award!
about Ann Coulter Wins Our Outrageous Quote Of The Week Award
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2013-09-07 14:30:43 -0400
Congratulations to Coulter, for an award so well deserved!