It’s still Christmas in much of the country. But even if the day has passed in your neck of the woods, I’m sure you’ll appreciate Sarah Palin’s thoughts on saving Christmas (Hint: buying her book seems to be a big part of it).
In the video below, from an episode of the Sarah Palin Channel, Palin talks about how she is “so excited” for people to read her year-old book about “protecting the heart of Christmas.”
PALIN: I’m telling people how to take steps to protect what it is that we believe in at this time of year, during the season. What we believe in is freedom of expressing our faith, and what our beliefs are, and not allowing just a few angry atheists with attorneys perhaps to tell us that we can’t celebrate the birth of Christ the way that we would like to.
It’s not an in your face political lecture. It’s a fun book …that hopefully will spark some inspiration in other people to allow them, no matter what faith anyone is, but allow them some Christmas joy to spread, just to, you know, to kind of make everybody a bit happier and make the holiday season a bit more joyful.
Palin goes on to talk about her family's Christmas traditions. But she never mentioned one that she was unable to uphold or had difficulty upholding because of “angry atheists with attorneys” waging war on her celebration of the birth of Christ.
Furthermore, as Raw Story noted, “Palin does not give any tips where to find her book, however used hardbound editions are available on for one penny, plus shipping.”
Apparently, readers are not finding Palin’s book quite as much fun as she does.
Watch it below.
The folks want you to shut up, Palin. Btw, BOR said that HE won the imaginary war on Xmas. Your name didn’t even come up during his victory lap. Bwaaah!