Fox Business Panel Mostly Ignores Benefits Of Raising Minimum Wage
Cashin’ In offered its panel of well-paid experts yesterday to attack weigh in on Mitt Romney’s proposal to raise the minimum wage. Not one of them appears to be trying to make ends meet on anything close to the minimum wage (though to listen to regular Tracy Byrnes’ incessant whining, you’d think she was). Nor do any appear to be the kind of struggling small retail business owners the prosperous-looking panel insisted would be endangered if the wage-hike was effected. If all you knew about the subject came from this segment, you’d think that minimum wage is like living high on the hog at business-owners’ expense.
Read moreTodd Starnes Sees Red Over Smiling Communist Workers
Todd Starnes, Fox News commentator and radio host, whose dispatches from the culture war Newshounds has covered in the past, is busy promoting his new book, “Dispatches from Bitter America,” but he still found time to share the latest assault on freedom, God and the American way with and the Fox Nation.
Read moreMegyn Kelly Angrily Accuses Komen Of Caving To "Political Pressure" From Planned Parenthood
The anti-choice right is having a collective freak out over the Komen foundation's "cave" to "political pressure" and "bullying" by those who objected to Komen's decision to cut its ties to Planned Parenthood. The irony, or dare I say hypocrisy, is rich given that these same folks have been pressuring Komen to cut its ties to Planned Parenthood. Pink bibles, used for Komen fund raising, were recalled by a Southern Baptist publisher because of Komen's connection to Planned Parenthood. Catholic bishops banned Komen fund raising in their diocesan institutions for the same reason. The word "politicization" has been thrown around by those who are unhappy about the policy reversal. This, too, is rich given that these same folks want congress to defund Planned Parenthood which is the subject of a partisan congressional investigation. That they have a friend in Fox was shown during Friday's "America Live" in which Megyn Kelly could hardly contain her anger over the turn of events and who framed the issue as being about Komen giving in to those nasty bullies at Planned Parenthood.
Read moreNeil Cavuto Gushes Over Trump’s Business Record – And Ignores The Four Bankruptcies
Neil Cavuto devoted his “Common Sense” editorial segment Friday (2/3/12) to Donald Trump. As if there weren’t enough Trump trumpeting on Fox already. But in this case, Cavuto – Fox’s senior vice president of Business News – called Trump “a hell of a businessman” yet avoided mentioning the four bankruptcies he or his businesses have filed.
Read moreGretchen Carlson: No Politics With Susan G. Komen Foundation - Except The Ones Fox Won’t Mention
If there’s ever been one surefire topic to get Fox News’ panties in a twist over, it’s abortion. No excuse to whine about it is too trivial. So when the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation’s Planned Parenthood flap became a major story, I figured it was only a matter of time before the True Christians of the House of Murdoch began pouring in their support. After all… what’s the lives of a few women with cancer in light of stopping the evils of free choice? Komen has since then reversed its stance. But one thing is certain: It was not for lack of an effort to promote its defunding decision by Gretchen Carlson and Peter Johnson, Jr.
Read moreRoger Ailes Is Like Jesus?
No, you're not having visual hallucinations. Bryan Fisher, of the "family values" hate group, the American Family Association, actually said this about Roger Ailes. In an article about the success of Fox News, the radical homophobic, Islamophobic, theocracy supporting, and all around bigot Fischer said that Ailes' leadership is "exactly the style that Jesus taught." Fischer claims that Ailes is the embodiment of Mark 10:45 in that, like "the son of man," Ailes "did not come to be served but to serve." I guess my understanding of Jesus, despite my 12 years of Catholic school, is limited. I wouldn't think that Jesus would approve of the kind of partisan lies, personal attacks, and race baiting that are a specialty of Ailes' Fox News. Right Wing Watch also points out that some of Ailes' own past history doesn't exactly seem very Christ like. Go figure! Dave Briggs did say that Ailes is Fox's "own version of God." But doesn't that mean that Fox employees are violating the first commandment by worshipping a strange god? Oh, noooo....Paging Father Morris....
Fox & Friends Attacks Vanderbilt For "Clamping Down On Religious Freedom"
Perhaps the biggest bogus meme of the Christian right is that their religious freedom is under attack by forces of evil, secular "political correctness." As their mouthpiece, Fox News is doing all they can to aid and abet. Earlier this week, uber Christian warrior Gretchen Carlson presented the sixth in a string of Fox & Friends attacks on Vanderbilt which focused on what is seen as an "assault on religious liberty by - you guessed it - "political correctness." The policy was put in place after a gay student was ousted from a Christian group's leadership because he was gay. So far, that hasn't been mentioned on Fox & Friends who, today, had their sixth installment in their Vanderbilt hates Christians series during which a Christian Republican student got to whine about the policy. However, unlike anything done by Gretchen Carlson, atheists weren't mentioned.
Read moreNewt Gingrich Suggests Obama Is A Muslim-Appeasing Traitor
Newt Gingrich visited the Hannity show last night where he predictably spewed venom against President Obama. But Gingrich outdid himself when he repeatedly suggested that Obama is a traitor who “appeases” our enemies - such as Iran and the Taliban - and double-crosses our allies and troops.
Read moreDonald Trump: We Don’t Really Know Where Obama Comes From
Donald Trump revived his birther talk last night – egged on by Sean Hannity. On a Hannity show that was supposedly a forum for each of the Republican presidential candidates, Trump got the first half hour - while each of the participating candidates got just a few minutes in the second half of the show. It was as if even Hannity was acknowledging his lack of enthusiasm for the roster. And he made up for that with racially-tinged smears.
Read moreYour World Ignores Trump Hypocrisy Over Romney Endorsement
Your World joined the Fox News Trumpeters yesterday as it breathlessly discussed Donald Trump’s endorsement of Mitt Romney and pretended this was the big news that Trump pretended it was. Neil Cavuto interviewed Trump yesterday and called the endorsement, “a stunning, surprise announcement.” Cavuto asked, “Why Mitt Romney?”
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