When you think of a credible voice for anything faith based, the first person who comes to mind is Bill O'Reilly, right? Just kidding. But that the Holy Ghost inspired Bill believes this was evidenced last night when Bill urged his audience to see a new Christian themed movie. And for added effect he also worked in a teeny dig at the nasty "secular press."
Bill began his "Tip of the Day" by citing "some buzz" around a new movie "Little Boy" which is about a boy who wants to end World War II so that his father came return home. Bill showed some video which, not surprisingly, included a Catholic priest.
Bill said that he has "heard that in faith based circles, it [the movie] is getting great reviews." He added, darkly, "but in the secular press, however, not so much." He quoted Variety which described the movie as "relentless and manipulative." He accused the review (cue the death threats from Bill's good Christian audience) of *mocking "folks who might like the movie." He advised his viewers to check out Little Boy.
It's not just Variety. The Boston Globe says it is so "bizarre, contrived, manipulative, and meretricious that anything is possible." Rotten Tomatoes gives it one tomato and says that while it is "well meaning," it is manipulative on horrifically misguided scale." Buzzfeed: "Feels like a horror movie." Washington Post: "A murky vision of theology." (LOL, sounds like Bill's theological bs!)
But Christians like and and Bill's word is gospel, right?
*Fact Check - the reviewer doesn't, as Bill claims, mock those who "might like the movie." This is what she actually says:
"Amid all this ham-fisted hullabaloo, the performances of Wilkinson, Tagawa and especially Watson stand out for their dignity and restraint — beacons of grown-up sanity in a movie that is otherwise content to treat the viewer like a child, and not a particularly bright one at that. "
Also BTW, Little Boy was the name of the 2nd atomic bomb, dropped on Nagasaki on 8/9/45.
Okay….a quick question: which of the two groups above is anti-education & science, and which is condemned for being over-educated?
Speaking of evil people, the Workplace Bullies are planning to attack critics of the film. It’s coming down the pipeline on the mouthpieces’ shows.
I thought it was beyond manipulative. I suppose it’s a good thing there aren’t that many WW2 vets still living because it pretty much seems to be mocking their service by having an obnoxious little twit wanting his dad to put HIM first (presumably to let other fathers go off and die instead).
If it were just a mere fantasy film, I don’t suppose anyone would give it a second thought but while the trailer emphasized the idea of “faith”—if you just believe hard enough, you’ll get what you want—it didn’t really seem to be all “put your faith in God and you can work miracles.” When I saw Roma Downey’s name attached to the project, though, THAT was my first indication that there was an underlying (pardon the expression) “agenda” that was going to be pushed. (And isn’t it funny when Christians are pushing an agenda, BillDo doesn’t have a problem with it? In fact, he never uses that word when it aligns with his own goals.)
Anywho, accordigng to IMDB not one frame was shot in the USA. And orally man is promoting it?