Back in 2013, Fox's resident homophobe, Todd Starnes joined the religious right in their bogus claim that the Air Force was persecuting a Christian sergeant over his beliefs on same sex marriage. Starnes and his pals are still peddling the same old crap, only this time it's a Navy Christian chaplain who supposedly is being persecuted for his homophobic Christian beliefs.
Todd Starnes (who never wore the uniform!) is very upset about the case involving a Navy training center chaplain, Wes Modder who, according to the Navy, showed a lack of tolerance and respect towards homosexuality and pre-marital sex. Starnes, who believes that Modder is being persecuted for his faith, reports that Modder has been reassigned to temporary duty while his case, which could result in discharge, is being reviewed. Starnes has written about this on the Fox website and is now pimping it on, where else, America's premier persecuted Christian show, Fox & Friends.
Sunday, as the banner set the propaganda message, "Faith Under Fire,Navy Chaplain May Lose Job for Biblical Faith," sweet Southern Christian Anna Kooiman reported that a "decorated military chaplain could be thrown out of the Navy because of his biblical faith." Video of Modder, whining about how he feels betrayed, was shown. Clayton Morris tossed to Todd Starnes for more information about this latest faux Fox outrage.
Starnes explained that Modder is approved by the "Assemblies of God" which has the same cultural views as the Southern Baptists and the Catholic Church. The banner provided Fox's seal of approval: "Best of the Best, Modder is 19 Year Military Veteran." Starnes noted that some of those who went to Modder for help have filed complaints about his lack of tolerance and now, OMG, this awesome chaplain could be canned from the military.
Kooiman happily interjected that "thousands of Americans are coming to his side" including such paragons of tolerance Mike Huckabee and Franklin Graham. Starnes happily mentioned that some in Congress want the Pentagon to intervene to stop this. Starnes asserted that if you "go to a Christian chaplain, you would expect to get Christian dseeing octrine and advice."The food oriented Starnes quipped that complaining about this Christian counseling is comparable to a vegetarian complaining about the lack of vegetarian options at a barbecue restaurant. Steve Doocy's spawn, Peter, read a statement from the Navy. Starnes said it "was a bunch of hooey."
Todd didn't mention this Christian advice: Premarital sex is "shaming oneself in the eyes of God;" homosexuality is wrong; the penis is designed for the vagina and not the anus; a gay woman should love God rather than her partner; and getting pregnant before marriage is disgusting. Modder also claimed that he could save gay people.
Starnes also didn't mention that the Navy Personnel Commander said that the situation is very problematic because “Students who receive counseling from a chaplain can be among the most vulnerable, and to expose them to Lt. Cmdr. Modder may be a recipe for tragedy." I guess in Starnes' world, if a young gay person commits suicide because they're told that Jesus hates them, well, that's just the way it is.
As in every Fox & Friends culture war segment, there is another side. But you won't hear it because Fox & Friends has a persecuted Christian meme to push and it's all about that base....
Anyone against people who have homophobia is a bigot.
DEUT. 22:11 “Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woolen and linin together.”
Why don’t we hear them preaching that from the fucking rafters?
Just a bunch of fucking charlatans and hypocrites, and the uninformed that follow them.
Thou shalt do no murder,
Thou shalt not commit adultery,
Thou shalt not steal,
Thou shalt not bear false witness,
Honour thy father and thy mother,
and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
First, love thy neighbor as thyself is not one of the Ten Commandments. You would think he’d know that. He also omitted;
No other gods,
No graven images,
No swearing,
Honor the Sabbath,
Not covet thy neighbor’s property.
There is also Mark 10:17-21
Where Jesus omits five of the Ten Commandments, but added another…“Defraud not…”
There is no Commandment against defrauding!
Some believe, including Jesus as you see above, that you get to Heaven through “works.” Some believe it’s through “faith.”
I could probably count on one hand the number of people who “actually” try to live their lives through “works.” There are also “statutes” which must be done as well, and usually involved stoning to death the offender, which includes things like gathering sticks on the Sabbath, Not being a virgin on your wedding day, cursing, and many verses which promote child abuse.
That said, I think I may extra fingers left on that hand if one considers what the Bible expect of its followers.
“there is no Commandment against defrauding.”
Which may be why Fox News Channel chose that as it’s business model!