Fox's claim that there are scary "no-go" zones in France has been debunked and even satirized by the French. But rather than apologize for promoting the lie, Anna Kooiman apologized for a Fox & Friends map which showed neighborhoods incorrectly labeled as "no-go zones." Huh?
Kooiman's apology, tucked into yesterday's Fox & Friends programming, was quick and short:
"We want to tell you last Saturday we showed a map of neighborhoods in France labeled as no-go zones. Some of the neighborhoods were highlighted incorrectly. We apologize for the error."
So I guess she's saying that there are no-go zones - but just not the neighborhoods they showed?
This isn't Kooiman's first apology rodeo. In 2013, she was forced to apologize for airing a bogus story about how President Obama personally funded a Muslim museum during the shutdown. Kooiman attributed the "mistake" to "poor research" which, as we know, is standard operating procedure for Fox & Friends.
You just can't make this stuff up. Oh, right, if you're Fox News, you do!
Video here.
Haarlem in New York was (justifiably, I believe) called a no-go zone during the ‘70s, prior to gentrification. An Italian friend who’d graduated in ancient Greek and Latin sort of ambled into the neighbourhood during those years and was able to talk with the natives because one of the latter was also fluent in …. Latin.
Listen, whoever you are, there are tough neighborhoods all over the world, very much including the U.S., where police will back off to avoid provoking an unnecessary confrontation. Calling those “no-go zones” and suggesting they’re Muslim neighborhoods is either profound stupidity or deliberate distortion in aid of bigotry.
Palkot did an ambigous ride-around with the cops. Funny that the satirical French version of “The Daily Show” had no such problems going to half a dozen or more of these designated areas in France— more akin to U.S. empowerment zones than Muslim-only “no-go zones.”
You and your bigoted lies have been busted big-time. Get over it.
Palkot said that he had “firsthand experience” a few years back with these areas in a ride-along with French police through a “very bad ghetto” outside of Paris. “We turned one corner. The police in the car saw a group of young men at the other end of the street. They stopped. They backed up, and they rode off. I asked the commanding officer why. He said he couldn’t. I reminded him that he was a French police officer on French soil, and he was saying it was not possible to go forward. He acknowledged that difficult reality,” said Palkot.
In January 2015, after the Charlie Hebdo shooting, Fox News labeled the SUZ as “no-go zone”.5 Some French media agencies denied these claims.67
Jan. 17, 2015 update: Research into the term no-go zones referring to Muslim habitations in Western Europe done by the pseudonymous Yoel Natan finds its earliest use to be on my website, An Australia resident who calls himself “fed up” wrote on March 22, 2006, that “In Sydney, Australia, we have large areas of our city that are deemed no-go zones.”
The next use was by the Norwegian analyst who calls himself Fjordman, on July 13, 2006, who defined “Muslim no-go zones” as places “where anything representing a Western institution (post office truck, firemen, even mail order delivery firms) was routinely ambushed with Molotov cocktails.”
Then came my use of the term on November 14, 2006.
So…. I wonder if that’s going to apply to Hannity on Monday? Did any of the other primetime people promote the same lie, and will they have to apologize?