If Bill O'Reilly is the commander-in-chief of the "War on Christmas," Gretchen Carlson is head of the women's auxiliary. She secured a gig on the O'Reilly Factor because of his admiration for her steadfast support for the true Christmas in which the words "happy holiday" are never uttered and evil Festivus poles are outlawed! Gretch is so upset about anti-Christmas secular forces that she even urged President Obama to fight the "War on Christmas." In inveighing against the official RI "holiday tree," Gretch asserted that this war is "very real." And that's why I'm chagrined and appalled that Gretchen Carlson, Mother Christmas, would, OMG, allow the blasphemous word "holidays" on one of her chyrons for her show. But even worse, she actually, OMG, said "holiday season!"