As the mouthpiece for the public education hating right wing, Fox News nevah, evah wastes an opportunity to bash the public education system and those who teach in it. Not surprisingly, most of the invective involves alleged liberal indoctrination which is rather ironic because Fox News is all about conservative indoctrination. Vital to Fox's anti-education meme are students who are victimized by alleged liberal bias and whose attempts to speak right wing truth to power are lauded by Fox. The newest right wing outage is over a liberal Colorado professor who is "forcing" his students to say un-American things. Yesterday, the leggy ladies on Outnumbered whined about this affront to conservative students. And today - drum roll please - Fox & Friends hosted one such heroic student for yet another patented Fox & Friends pity party
As the chyron framed the propaganda message, "Red, White, and Crude, Pledge Requires Pledge to Racist, Sexist US," sweet, lil Christian patriot Ainsley Earhardt began her segment which was part of Fox & Friends patented "Trouble With Schools" series. She reported that a professor from the Metropolitan State University in Denver is "requiring his students to recite what he calls the new Pledge of Allegiance" which OMG describes Jesus' very own country as racist and sexist. (She didn't mention that the Pledge is satirical). After mentioning that "one of his students was appalled by this anti-American sentiment," she introduced her guest, a conservative student who told his story to the right wing Campus Reform and now gets to tell it on national teevee!
Earhardt got into the details of the Pledge which, as she had noted earlier, describes this country in unflattering (but arguably accurate) terms and asked Steven Farr for his reaction. Farr, unsurprisingly, said he was "appalled" and "seething." Earhardt breathlessly asked if the students "looked around and said what in the world..." The chyron reinforced the propaganda narrative of heroic right wing student standing up to un-American liberal education: "Student Speaks Out Over MSU Professor's Anti-American Pledge." In describing the horror of it all, Farr scored lots of Fox points in saying that he refused to say the pledge and has, on several occasions, spoken out against the professor.
Earhardt read a statement from the University which said that after exams, the school will speak with students about the class and in so doing respect 1st Amendment rights for students and the professor's right to academic freedom. There was rich irony in the agitprop chyron: "Professor's Propaganda, Calls America Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic." (Never any propaganda on Fox, right?)Farr said that he spoke with the president of the school and that the school seems "genuine" in their desire to have a "fair inquiry." Farr, who is studying to be a meteorologist and whose name is now famous in right wing, teabagging circles, said that "as far as the professor's 1st Amendment have your right to tell your opinions; but you can't present your own political opinions as the correct answer or the correct alternative to other ideas out there."
Ain't no party like a persecuted right wing (fill in the blank) party and Fox & Friends can bring it!
Thank you for stomaching watching this pathetic, low-life seditious network. I’m so glad I pulled the plug on cable TV. I don’t have the self discipline to totally avoid tuning in to these unAmerican sleaze bags. Not missing a thing since I pulled the plug.
FreeSpeech TV is available via Internet. Garbage 24/7 on cable otherwise. I get the local news and NPR via antenna. Why waste my precious limited dollars for such garbage!