Bill O'Reilly seems to have an obsession with the "liberal" Ivy League, particularly any activity that has to do with - wait for it - sex which in Bill's traditional, Catholic, and very twisted mind is very decadent indeed. And when these schools have activities related to dirty sex, Bill sends out his creepy stalker, Jesse Watters whose dirty sex talk with coeds allows Beavis & Butthead Watters and O'Reilly to mentally masturbate during the ain't it awful follow up discussion to Watters edited videos. Since 2005, when Watters crashed the Brown U "sexpowergod" party, O'Reilly and Watters have targeted Brown for Bill's patented brand of lies, smears, and sexual innuendo. Last year, O'Reilly provided titillation with totally skewed coverage of Brown's, tee-hee,"nudity week." When Brown pushed back on Watters reportage, O'Reilly claimed they did so out of fear. Friday night, O'Reilly and Watters provided an update on "sexpowergod" and, tee-hee, "nudity week." And just as he did in 2005 and 2013, he lied. The more things change????
O'Reilly began by proudly proclaiming how Watters World is "causing major trouble at BrownUniversity in Rhode Island." He said that "for years, that Ivy League school has funded a giant sex party called sexpowergod." Bill recounted how, in 2005, Watters "attended the bash undercover." While he spoke, video footage, DONE WITHOUT STUDENTS' PERMISSION, and reported that it was X-rated to say the least. (titties, titties,titties).
Bill LIED: THE SCHOOL DID NOT FUND this party. It has been funded by the school's "Queer Alliance," not the school."
O'Reilly reported that "school authorities have said no more, took em a while, but with campus sex violence rising all over the country, Brown University finally took action."
BILL LIED: The Queer Alliance cancelled the event.
After Bill bloviated about the school's "elite" status and the tuition costs, he noted that nudity week (titties, titties, titties) is "still on the calendar."
BILL LIED: The name of the event is "Nudity in the Upspace." There is no official "nudity week" at Brown.
While his backdrop was the Brown insignia over the words "Ivy League Debauchery," Bill took us on a stroll down memory lane with Watters video from last year's faux controversy over the faux "nude week." We were again reminded of Watters' smug smarminess as he elicited comments about sexuality from women whom he was leering at. (titties, titties, titties)
During Bill's follow-up, he joked about sending Watters back to Brown because "the student will be so happy to see you." Watters could hardly contain his excitement about how "nudity week" is happening now. (titties, titties, titties) Bill could hardly contain his excitement after Watters informed him that there will be nude open mic night. You could almost smell the dirty jock straps while Bill, Jesse, and the camera crew guffawed. In doing a shout out to his other jr. high school wingmen, O'Reilly said it was a good thing that Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk "weren't here for that line." Bill sequed back to "sexpowergod." After he said "that's gone," Watters said "it got a little nasty, I think, I think there were sexual assaults, a lot of people sent to the emergency room."
WATTERS LIED: According to the Brown's Queer Alliance, in a statement to Fox News, "To date, there have been no official reports of sexual assault or misconduct."
Despite the FACT that the student organization cancelled event, Bill insisted that "somebody in the hierarchy" stopped the party (see above lie) and reminded us that "nudity week" is still on. (titties, titties, titties). The stench of the locker room got worse when everybody laughed at Watters comment that "I think we're ready to go out there." And then, in an amazing moment of self-awareness Watters offered this: "What I find fascinating is that 10 years ago, I'm interviewing half naked college kids and today, still interviewing [giggle, giggle] half naked college kids. What does that say about my career?" O'Reilly: "It says you're going nowhere Watters." For once I can say, regarding O'Reilly's opinion, "ain't that the truth!"
Bill never mentioned the Queer Alliance. Is that because acknowledging the group's decision would have destroyed Bill's speculation that the school is doing what Bill wants them to do? The reason why the group cancelled the event is because they had concerns about how SPG no longer provided a safe space for LGBT students which is certainly not a concern for O'Reilly who is more concerned with debauchery. Falafal anybody?
What it comes down to is that BOR is not above incorporating his leering, voyeuristic, T&A inclinations into, ahem, his “investigative news” reports so that he can get his dirty, old man jollies while supposedly knocking liberalism at the same time. It also shows that Watters is nothing more than a middle-aged hack who can’t seem to find his way out of the junior high locker room.
Arrested adolescence and Mackris-size me — LOL, Jan!