As the flagship Fox show for persecuted Christians, Fox & Friends is constantly regurgitating a steady flow of dreck about how America's Christians are being assailed by the slings and arrows of outrageous anti-Christian persecution. But it's not just America's persecuted Christians that our curvy couch cretins are concerned about. That they are taking their crusade transnational was demonstrated by this morning's discussion of persecuted Canadian Christian law school grads who aren't being admitted to the Canadian bar because their law school has been denied accreditation. Turns out that Fox & Friends isn't telling the whole truth but hey, if you need a propaganda message about how Canada's Jesus hating ways ARE JUST LIKE OBAMACARE, this fits the bill nicely. First came the death panels, now it's law schools. Blame Canada?!
The segment was part of a new series, "Legal Insanity." After the patented hyperbolic music and imagery of a cracked statue of justice, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, one of America's great legal minds (just kidding), opened with intensity: "Banned for believing in the Bible, it's happening at one law school in Canada." She reported that the law societies are rejecting Trinity Western University graduates "because signing up for that school meant signing a pledge to abstain from pre-marital relations and oppose same sex relationships." She explained that graduates will be prohibited from practicing law "over their personal beliefs." She asked if this "is legal insanity" and "could it happen here." (Oh, nooo.....)The chyron stated, as Fox Fact, "Biblical Ban, Law Students Rejected for Christian Beliefs."
STOP RIGHT HERE: Assuming that the Fox & Friends production crew culled this gem from Glenn Beck's The Blaze, it's apparent that they didn't read the whole story, because if they did, they would have learned that Trinity's application for accreditation has been accepted by eight provinces and rejected by only two, Ontario and Nova Scotia. They would also have learned that "the law school’s application has already been approved by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education." The Law Society of New Brunswick just passed a non-binding resolution to rescind its governing council's previous approval which still stands until and if the council votes otherwise.
She introduced her guests, neither of whom is a Canadian and only one is an attorney, while the other, Dr. Keith Ablow, is a discredited "doctor" who specializes in right wing propaganda and personal attacks. Hasselbeck wanted "to know how close we are to this happening [Uh, I thought it happened all the time!] but I wanted to start with the legal insanity angle, I mean is this against your rights, so you sign a pledge with a college, you can't go forward from there, it's going to be held against you."
Ablow validated the talking point with his comment that this is "exactly thought police" because this is a "test of faith." He was incredulous that "it's come to that in Canada." Hasselbeck, in addressing Fox lawyer Arthur Aidala, argued that lawyers frequently advocate for those with whom they disagree. Aidala blithered about how "upsetting" this is and how "this better never happen in America" and - wait for it - "we're seeing a piece of this with Obamacare." In advancing one of Fox's top propaganda memes he claimed that the Obama administration is forcing religious institutions to "accept certain aspects of Obamacare." (Slut Pills, obviously) The chyron reinforced the agitprop: "Singling Out Students, Law Societies Rejecting Pro-Christian School." Following a tortured analogy between this outrage and Obamacare, he blithered about how "in America, that's wrong."
Christian legal scholar Hasselbeck (just kidding) asked if this is "discrimination." Naturally, Ablow agreed and said OMG, "it could happen here based on what did happen with Obamacare which has "forced" religious institution to pay for Slut Pills. He warned that "it won't stop with lawyers, it will include doctors, like doctors who advise women on what to do." (Like doctors who, thanks to the GOP, have to read bogus, state developed, medically inaccurate scripts to women who are having abortions?) He claimed that Obamacare will eventually stop accrediting Christian doctors.
According to those who oppose accreditation, the anti-gay "covenant," required of all students is a violation of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms which forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. They maintain that accrediting a law school which teaches that homosexuality is evil would be the same as accrediting a medical school that teaches that homosexuality is biologically and psychologically disordered. But never fear, thanks to Fox & Friends, it can't happen here. Blame Canada!