Fox's hatred of Barack Obama is such that not even the First Lady is safe from their slings and arrows of outrageous partisanship. In the world of reality, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was passed by a bi-partisan congress in 2010. But it incorporated nutritional guidelines which were part of Ms. Obama's campaign to end childhood obesity. And that's why the right wing always associates it with Mrs. Obama as a way to attack her for forcing real American kids to eat treasonous socialist junk, like fruits and vegetables rather than real American pizza and fries! Fox & Friends has been in the forefront of the fight against those who seek to take away America's prized status as one of the fattest nations on earth.Yesterday, during a thinly disguised attack on the FLOTUS, our Fox friends lamented, again, that kids just don't like healthy food. And it's all Michelle Obama's fault!
The segment was part of the patented Fox & Friends "Food Police" propaganda series. The visual shows the Fox & Friends idea of healthy eating: McDonald's fries, a chocolate glazed donut, a large bottle of soda, and an ear of corn which, as we know, is the basis for all that corn sugar in all that food which makes us fat. Brian Kilmeade could hardly contain his glee as he reported that two New York schools have dropped the school lunch program, "yup, they're dropping out of Michelle Obama's lunch program." As he spoke, film footage of yucky, commie-pinko vegetables were shown. He continued "it turns out the food isn't so popular with students." Elizabeth Hasselbeck chimed in "not at all, not only do they refuse to eat it, it's costing schools even more money when they throw it away." She introduced her guest, Julia Bauscher, who is the president of the School Nutrition Association which is funded by Domino's Pizza,Coca Cola and other big food companies.
Hasselbeck said that the situation is "shocking" and asked Bauscher about what the kids really should be eating for lunch and breakfast. She showed a visual which purported to show wasted money resulting from the new onerous guidelines. Bauscher explained the finances behind the school lunch program and how, if the schools loose money, the district picks up the tab. Kilmeade commented that kids would rather bring their own lunches rather than eat the icky, Michelle Obama dreck. Hasselbeck chimed in "they leave campus to go get something."
Kilmeade showed a nutrition chart done by the School Nutrition Association. It didn't recommend any serving of fruit. Brian Kilmeade said that it was "100% nutritionally correct which is a high fructose lie because the USDA recommends, for teens, at least one daily serving of fruit a day and at least two servings of vegetables. The idea behind healthy school lunches and breakfasts is provide kids with foods that meet at least a portion of their daily needs.
Bauscher explained that while her group supports strong nutritional standards, some of the new requirements "go too far." She advocated on behalf more white flour products and white rice which are less nutritionally sound. While she spoke, the chyron engaged in typical Fox deception: "Dropping like flies, USDA: 150 districts left school program." (As of 2011, there were 98, 817 school districts in the US - so not "dropping like flies but, rather, 1%.) She encouraged more "flexibility" for school districts. Nobody mentioned that a new study shows that kids adapt to the healthier selections.
Hasselbeck then provided us with a glimpse of her intellectual prowess: "Ultimately an apple isn't healthy if it's thrown away or something that's mandated, you know a tortilla that's made out of I don't know what, sprouts isn't so healthy if the kids aren't eating it." The chyron: "Apple a day, keeps kids away." Bauscher said that her group supports their fruit and vegetable recommendations (0) and "larger serving sizes" and that they don't want kids "to have to take an item if they don't eat it." The chyron: "Bad taste, students refuse healthy government lunches." She talked about waste of food which could be remedied if the food were taken to local food pantries but what do I know... Kilmeade: "People should get their egos out of it and do what's going to work."
Funny, when it comes to government programs like "welfare," Fox expects folks to obey by the rules - but for school lunches, not so much because Michelle Obama.....
All the martial arts in the world can’t slim down this aging media hack. The years has not been kind to his physical appearance.
Hey, didn’t know about that. With a menu like that, maybe I’ll visit the FNC building next time I’m in Midtown
Then again, I might have to rub shoulders with Slanthead Hannity.
Wait! No chance of that; it would be the coldest day in Hell before Hannocchio sets foot up there! As the leading proponent of fast, junk food in the FNC stable — expressing his love for it, mostly on the radio, who some weeks ago declared “I eat crap! And I like it!” — Slanthead has many other choices of feeding holes.
Most likely the 24/7 McDonalds at 1188 Sixth Ave, almost directly across from the Fox building. It’s a sure bet that every day Slanthead leaves his radio studio (up the avenue at Radio City) a few minutes early, he’ll dash into the Mickey D’s before heading to the teevee studio for his worthless taping. A pig like Hannity probably doesn’t need more than a few minutes to stuff his mouth with a few Big Macs.
But despite all these years of raving about McDonalds, Slanthead shows no brand loyalty. Latest case in point: about two weeks ago on the radio, when the news broke that Burger King was buying Tim Hortons, obviously to avoid U.S. taxes.
Hannocchio asked, “What’s wrong with moving a company headquarters to Canada? American taxes are way too high!”
And to reinforce his case, Slanthead decided that his entire staff, producer Linda and the mindless interns, were all going to eat Whoppers and fries on the air and wash it down with giant Cokes. Never mind that most of his staff didn’t want to eat or drink any of this junk. Hannity’s the boss!
Makes no difference to Hannity what brand it is, as long as the meat has unknown and questionable ingredients mixed in, as long as the fries are cooked in rancid oil and then blanketed with salt, salt and more salt (maybe 1000% of the RDA?) to mask the taste, and the drinks are monster-sized, overflowing with sugar!
I could only stomach about 15 minutes of this bullshit, but tuned in the next day and Slanthead was at it again, talking to one of the interns who had just come back from Burger King with their “feast.”
Anyway, Hannity’s support of Burger King’s tax evasion made me wonder why he doesn’t move up to Canada himself, as he’s long groused about the high taxes he pay in Amerika. Could he be a broadcaster up there? Don’t know.
But he might be able to start a new career as an ice hockey thug. Not that long ago, I heard him (on the radio) claim he can still skate and score hockey goals!
He’d fit in perfectly, with those baggy uniforms, the ugly helmets. Hannity’s sloped cranium is made for one of them. He’d look and sound exactly like so many of the retarded Canucks!
History will remember these small-minded twits as exactly that: Small-minded twits.
These cafeteria Catholic clowns complain about healthy foods, but they are hiding something from their viewers. That something is located just a few floors up the building.
News Corporation/21st Century Fox has inside this massive skyscraper a cafeteria, News Cafe that serves healthy foods to their employees, and visitors. Let’s take a look at some of their items on the menu, shall we?
Kashi and granola bars, oatmeal, sandwich wraps, greek yogurt, salads, apples and oranges, fruit smoothies, veggie juices, Naked juices, and more.
Don’t like fried food? Try the grilled chicken sandwiches, or avocado turkey wrap with pepper jack cheese, spinach with sundried tomato spread.
We have to confess. The eggplant veggie on Focaccia
with oven roasted spring vegetables, zucchini,
yellow squash, arugula and crumbled feta with balsamic glaze is a healthy choice. Remove the crumbled feta for less calories.
Pros-The cafe offers wireless for your devices. The cons-You are forced to watch Fox “News” on their flat screen tvs. One way to lose your appetite.
If cleaning crumbs of the table from lazy employees is not your cup of tea, go to Wendy’s, located in the subway area, or McDonald’s across the street.
You can burn off the calories at the gym inside the building. Bring your ID badge or not entry.
Odd, you don’t hear these Fox and Fools complain about the healthy menu choices at News Cafe. Now why is that?
Post this information to all social media, and expose the hypocrisy of these clowns.
Based on what we see, you two morons should be eating healthy to lose that gut of yours.