While Fox News fears and loathes Pres. Obama for his scary blackness, they just might fear and loathe Attorney-General Eric Holder even more because not only is he a scary black man, but he uses his legal authority to defend the rights of other scary black people who, in Foxworld, are all criminals (and takers). Fox's Holder hatred reached a fever pitch in 2010 when they hyped a phony scandal regarding the New Black Panthers, during which time Fox contributor Kirsten Powers coined the term "scary black man" to describe Fox's narrative. Now that Holder has responded to the tensions in Ferguson, Fox is revving up its attack machine. Monday night, Eric Bolling, who once said that Holder may be the second (Sharpton is the first) "biggest racist in the whole world," suggested that Holder can't be "fair & balanced." As she did with Megyn Kelly, Powers put him in his place.
A flag pin wearing Eric Bolling, in filling in on the O'Reilly Factor, reported that Eric Holder will now be helping local Ferguson authorities in their investigation of the shooting of Michael Brown. Bolling, in an iteration of the popular Fox "some people say," claimed that "many people are wondering if he is the right person to handle this racially charged case." (No, Eric, Fox News is saying that he IS NOT the right person.) Bolling, after asking the audience to "remember these controversial remarks about race relations in America," played 2009 video of Holder talking about how, when it comes to racial issues, America "is a nation of cowards."
After stating that Holder is "the most visible civil rights activists in the country," he asked Powers if "he can be fair and balanced and administer justice on a race case like this." Powers responded in the affirmative and asked Bolling why he thinks otherwise. Bolling answered "by those comments" (of course Bolling didn't play the whole speech). In referencing how Holder weighed in on the Trayvon Martin case, Bolling cited Holder's reminiscences of having been racially profiled. Bolling asserted that Holder "clearly has some sort of emotional attachment to those scenarios." (I guess that a female prosecutor, who had been raped, can't, in Bolling's book, prosecute a rape?) Bolling asked "will he be fair and just when he administers justice here."
Powers asked if Bolling's "beef is that he recalls something that happened to him as a black man." She said that, for her, "it's not problematic." Bolling interrupted her when she tried to explain the context of his speech; i.e. that Americans still can't "speak openly and honestly..." A clearly upset Bolling claimed that his problem with Holder "isn't something that happened twenty or thirty years ago" but that "he chose to weigh in on the Trayvon Martin case and go to Ferguson Missouri." (Huh?) Bolling, who, as the white father of a white son will never have to have "the talk," then played the popular Fox reverse racism card when he spoke about how he lives near a place where a white man was shot by blacks and "he didn't hear anything about that." He referenced another black on white crime and "I didn't hear them weighing in on those." (And that's because these crimes have nothing to do with racial tensions in a majority black community that has experienced mistreatment from a majority white police force, d'uh!)
Powers went right back at him: "I'm sure you're not comparing a bunch of criminals to police officer, are you because when you do these comparisons, when a police officer does something it's not the same as when a criminal does something and I think there's a different level of analysis here." Bolling continued the reverse racism claim. Powers spoke of the "history of racial discrimination in this country" and said that she didn't understand why Bolling "seemed offended when Eric Holder acknowledges that." Bolling claimed that he wasn't "offended" but "reporting" it as he sees it.
Rather than respond to Power's attempt to say that racial discrimination is "a historical fact," Bolling wanted to "move on" so that he could attack the president for being concerned about Ferguson while not going there. Powers continued her smack down: “So you don’t want Eric Holder to go, but now you are mad that Barack Obama isn’t going?” Bolling blithered about how he doesn't want either one to go. Powers explained that the state's governor requested that the DOJ get involved.
What's that saying about how you can't fix stupid? Seriously, though, Eric Bolling is complaining about lack of fairness and balance - on Fox News - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....
Foxy hosts who feel they are beaten allovasudden need to go to the loo. First Bolling then Hannity.
After weeks of this, I finally sent him an email, figuring their audience was so small at that point that every email would be read. I think I said something like, “Do you really want to do that? People might get the impression that you’re a racist and a birther. You don’t want that, do you?”
The very next day, he stopped doing that. Maybe for some other reason, but I like to think I called him on it. (Not that I got so much as an acknowledgement of my email being received…)
Bolling is actually nowhere near as stupid as he seems, but his problem is he absolutely lusts to be a big-shot with a primetime hour of his own on Fox, and he knows very well what he needs to do and say to have the Fox audience love him. I think he thinks he’s in a great position to get that slot when Hannity moves to Texas and presumably quits doing his failing show.
Hey, BOR, why don’t you check out this segment with Bolling and Kirsten and then tell us that Kirsten isn’t more qualified than Bolling to be your sub when you’re out of the office. As Priscilla noted, Bolling definitely came off looking stupid. I was almost embarrassed for him and BOR. Hmm, maybe Bolling’s embarrassing loss to “liberal” Kirsten is the real reason that BOR is coming back early from his vacation? LOL!
Since he, and his producers are too lazy to do research, we did it for him.
Infamous case of police corruption
Police officers hold position of authority, and in some cases abuse their authority, and try to cover it up.
Comparing street killings to cop killings is apple and oranges. Bolling Mad is not intelligent enough to figure this out. The Ailes interns can do a better job in reporting than this cafeteria Catholic.