The persecution of Iraq Christians, by the radical jihadist group ISIS, is quite horrific. So as the network for persecuted Christians, it isn't surprising that Fox News would be quite concerned about the plight of these people. And while, from a journalistic perspective, this is fine, what isn't fine is how Fox News is politicizing these people in order to smear President Obama. Starting this past Sunday, Fox News has done six segments which start with factual reporting on the Iraqi Christians (while ignoring Muslims persecuted by ISIS) and end with an attack on the President who, according to the Fox talkers, should be as outraged as they are. Never mind those silly trivialities like MH17, Gaza, and the border. Christians are being persecuted and Obama is not doing what Fox News thinks he should. Bad Obama!!!
Sunday, during a Fox & Friends "Fight for Faith" segment, the one true Fox Catholic priest, Fr. Jonathan Morris provided commentary after Heather Nauert reported on what was happening to the Christians. In acknowledging that the Fox & Friends audience is totally Christian, Nauert asked what could be done to help "our brothers and sisters. Morris directed folks to his website where he has names of Catholic organizations that can provide aid. (And a link to a petition to urge the President to stop "Christian genocide.") He worked in some subtle agitprop with a comment that "we should urge our government to act." On cue, Nauert said that "we don't hear much from the administration as it is" and cited Christian persecution in other countries where "you don't really hear much about it, it's simply not a priority." Morris said that after we invested so much in Iraq, "we have a responsibility to see that it [persecution] doesn't continue."
Monday, the propaganda ball kept rolling during Megyn Kelly's emotional interview with Christian hate group leader Tony Perkins. Yesterday, the topic was covered by Greta and The Five. Although Greta described the acts as "evil," she wasn't as upset as Kelly. In speaking with the anti-gay Pastor Michel Faulkner, she gently worked in the requisite agitprop with her question of whether we're "too soft" on extremists. Faulkner took the ball and ran with it when he said that everybody should be outraged about this and "we need a commander-in-chief who backs that up. Unfortunately we don't have that right now." He attacked Obama in accusing him of having "commented about everything else, things that are trivial matters" and described, as "unconscionable," how our government is allowing this to happen.
Yesterday, The Five framed the message with the question of whether America and the West "has abdicated its responsibility to Christians around the world especially those in Iraq." Andrea Tantaros worked in the requisite Islamophobia with the comment that the goal of Islam, "to convert or kill them," has been around "for as long as anybody can remember." That, of course, was the modus operandi for Christianity while Islam was tolerating Christians and Jews but who needs history. She accused the administration of not "drawing lines" with "misbehaving" Muslims. Gutfeld worked in more Islamophobia with his comment about how criticism of Muslims, "who will behead you if you don't convert," is seen as intolerance. (On Fox it is!) Dana Perino suggested that American air strikes could be used against ISIS.
Last night, on the supposedly fair & balanced Bret Baier's "news" show, Charles Krauthammer asked where the President is on this because Obama talks about being respectful to Muslims but this suggests he doesn't have the same respect for Christians.
This morning, Fr. Morris was back on Fox & Friends. The other clergy guest was the Patriarch from the Syrian Catholic Church. The "Fight for Faith" segment began with Elisabeth Hasselbeck reporting the "evil" (obviously management's mandatory adjective) ISIS. Steve Doocy shouted that there are "zero" Christians left in Mosul and, after the Patriarch spoke, shouted "where's the outrage?" Morris shouted about the "silence" of the international community. Doocy got in the scripted Obama slam: "Our president talks about a lot of stuff, we haven't heard him talk about this." Morris chirped "we haven't and he's been silent and there's people who have been suffering tremendously." The Patriarch spoke about waking up Jesus who is "sleeping the back of the boat." (?!)
None of the discussion mentioned that "ISIS' treatment of the Shia, or any Muslims they do not believe are orthodox Sunni, has been even more brutal than that of the Christians" - but hey, in Foxworld, they're heathens so f**k em, right? But seriously, how very Christian of Fox to take religious cleansing and turn it into a weapon against Obama. And it's only Wednesday!
You’re reaching. Have the last word, as I don’t care to engage in conversation with someone who appears to be incapable of rational and objective thought.
I’ll ask you this, show me a Fox News story from 2003 – 2008 about the Iraqi Christian persecution that took place during that time period? And more importantly, show me a Fox News story that blamed President Bush for that persecution.
Please stay on point and avoid deflecting.
I don’t believe the Right gave a damn about Iraq’s Christians pre-2014. Such hypocrisy.