As the media mouthpiece for the patriarchy pimping radical, Christian right, Fox News hates feminists because how dare a bunch of man hating, selfish bitches demand stuff like equal pay for equal work and reproductive rights. So in keeping with the right wing message that things were so much better when women knew their place, Fox has provided a platform for Suzanne Venker, niece of the anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly, to diss feminists and urge women to submit to men. And on this morning's Fox & Friends, the newest independent woman hater, "Princeton Mom" Susan Patton spilled her anti-feminist bile all over the curvy couch. She and her new friends were outraged about nasty feminists who set up a hashtag to diss Father's Day. Turns out that the hashtag is a hoax developed by those who wanted to make feminists look bad; but that didn't get in the way of the anti-feminist propaganda!
Tucker Carlson started the agitprop ball rolling: "What started off as a joke is picking up steam among feminists online and with others on social media." Tweets from nasty feminists, dissing Father's Day, were shown." Clayton Morris described the tweets as having "popped up all over the place." Anna Kooiman introduced their guest - on other than the famous (or infamous) "Princeton Mom" Susan Patton who thinks that women should attend college to find a husband because otherwise they will end up being sad old maids. It should be noted that Ms. (or is it Mrs.) Patton did not marry a Princeton Man, has no daughters, and finalized her divorce last year.
Clayton Morris read another daddy dissing tweet. As Kooiman audibly sighed, Patton advanced the Fox message about nasty feminists: "Oh, come on, it's more of the nasty feminist rhetoric that they're not just interested in ending father's day, they're interested in ending men, that's really what they want. It's absurd for them to say that Father's Day is a creation of male oppression. It's ridiculous."
Tucker Carlson claimed that the reason that so many women live in poverty is because there are fewer married women and "when you crush men, you hurt women." (So, uh, Tucker will be advocating for an increase in the minimum wage which, at its current level, hurts a large percentage of both men and single women with children?) Patton brayed about how "we are celebrating dads who provide for their children...and who daily set an example for young boys about what it is to be a man." As she spoke the chyron stated, as Fox Fact: "Father's Day oppressive, feminists take to social media to end holiday."
Morris read another tweet. Patton kept with the feminist bashing meme: "these ridiculous feminist women, these antagonistic women, to say that it's a celebration of male oppression, no." After noting that Father Day's was created by the greeting card and other industries she presented her fellow patriarchy proponent, Tucker Carlson, with a tie designed by her fellow Princeton classmate. The chyron just out and out lied: #End Father's Day, joke has turned into movement by feminists."
To Kooiman's question of whether the nasty tweeting feminists had a bad experience with their fathers, Patton, in keeping with the anti-feminist meme, said "we're talking about a group of antagonistic feminists who don't even have men in their lives probably." (And you know that how?) She continued, "so this doesn't have anything to do with them in their entirety, but it's just one more thing, just one more aggression to latch onto and get crazy over." (Uh, pot meet kettle?) Morris asked about the outrage that would occur if there were an end Mother's Day hastag.
Then there was this Patton gem: "Without fathers there would be no mothers. Without fathers, there could be no mothers." (Susan might have a Princeton degree but she seems unaware that sperm donation is separate and apart from fatherhood) She leaned forward and exhorted us nasty feminazis to be "good spirited" about Father's Day.
As Tucker Carlson said, this started as "joke" in that the hashtag was started by 4chan, the crew who brought us "Operation Bikini Bridge" which purported to show how bikini fashion was contributing to anorexia and #whitescantberaped. As a result of fake Twitter accounts and right wing media, the hashtag has been mentioned thousands of times. So we don't even know if the "feminist" comments are authentic. The hashtag was developed to make feminists look bad. Because Ailes and his audience believe the same thing, Fox pushed the meme. Confirmation bias at its finest from the "fair & balanced" Fox News!
Check out the Daily Show take down of Susan Patton
Long story, involves his appearances on “Outnumbered.”