As the mouthpiece for those who want to take away reproductive choice, Fox News eagerly responded to the anti-choice complaint that the media wasn't sufficiently covering the Gosnell trial. Fox, in coming to the rescue, sensationalized the issue and promoted the anti-choice false equivalency between safe legal abortion and Dr. Gosnell's clinic. Those who want to produce a film about Gosnell have been rejected by Hollywood and are now crowd-sourcing the film. So Fox is once more jumping in to help raise funds for this movie. Both Megyn Kelly and Bill O'Reilly promoted the film. Jumping on the bandwagon is Fox's 'The Five," a show that actively promotes anti-choice positions and proudly proclaims itself to be officially pro-life. Last week (4/16), 'The Five' promoted the movie and also doubled down on the evil Hollywood right wing meme by suggesting that what Gosnell did is acceptable in pro-choice Hollywood circles - a pro-life propagandapalooza!
In reporting that a group is trying to raise money for a movie about Gosnell, Dana Perino said that "Hollywood does a lot of movies about all sorts of things that are based in reality, this is a story that we, as Americans, need to face up to and witness." The chyron framed the message: "Film Producers Claim Hollywood is not Interested in Funding Film About Gosnell."
Kimberly Guilfoyle praised Fox as one of the few media outlets to cover the trial and do a documentary, both of which served as anti-choice propaganda that morphed Gosnell's practice with safe, legal abortion. Greg Gutfeld, in providing the popular Fox false equivalency between Gosnell and legal abortion, said that "the reason they don't do this one is not because the evil is so grotesque, it's just that it's too close to a moral choice they's too close to the pro-choice mindset, not to say the pro-choice people are for this, it rubs people the wrong way, when they hear this." After Bob Beckel asked if people would really want to see this type of film, Gutfeld noted that Hollywood has been interested in "muckraking" films about political corruption and if "Michael Moore has made a living off of exposing these things, why can't you do this?"
Dana Perino felt that "there are many ways to get a story told" and this movie would be "great." Gutfeld interjected that "the only time an abortion doctor has been in a movie has been in a favorable way." Kimberly Guilfoyle recommended that women become informed about the procedure, including the gestational age. She promoted the anti-choice talking point in saying that she thought that "a lot of people were educated in that courtroom, people who had long held beliefs had a change of heart after seeing some of the horrors that were committed."
When Bolling said that he recalled that there was a movie about "the guy who was killing abortion doctors, so when it goes that way, they'll find the money," Perino chimed in "you don't have to crowd fund to get a movie like that done." She praised Nick Searcy for his efforts to help fund the movie.
PROPAGANDA ALERT - As far as I know there have been no Hollywood movies about those who killed abortion doctors. (Not one "guy" but six) A documentary, "After Tiller," was made about those who are carrying on Dr. Tiller's work in providing late term abortions. Funding was difficult to find; but it was finally provided by the Sundance Documentary Fund, Chicken and Egg Pictures, and, despite Perino's claim to the contrary, kickstarting - not big Hollywood.
Here's the thing that the The Five's pro-life propagandists don't understand. The main message from the Tiller atrocity is that this will be commonplace if abortion rights are taken away. While women like those on the Five - I'm talking rich white women - will always be able to have their pregnancies terminated in a way that circumvents the law, poor minority women, like Gosnell's patients, will die. But at present we have safe, legal abortion which has nothing to do with Gosnell - despite Fox News' lies to the contrary!
So far what i have read about what Gosnell has done is horrific. I would like to read some more pro Gosnell articles.