As Newshounds Ellen points out, while Fox News is championing the cause of grazing fee scofflaw Cliven Bundy and his merry band of anti-government "sovereign citizens," it certainly does not show the same reverence to Occupiers and minorities who peacefully and legally protest government policies. Fox's glaring hypocrisy is also evident in their treatment of Muslims who, in Foxworld, shouldn't have been able to build an Islamic center, in NYC, even though they had every right to do so. This double standard was on full display, last week, when radical right winger Allen West, a defender of Cliven Bundy, informed his pals on the curvy Fox & Friends couch that - wait for it - Muslims are secretly organizing to take over the government. Be afraid, be very afraid. Meanwhile, it's cool for semi-automatic weapon wielding American, Christian militia folks to threaten to take down American federal agents cuz, you know, freedom!
The REALITY is that there has been a significant rise in American "patriot" groups who REALLY believe that the Kenyan commie president is coming to take their guns. There are 939 hate groups (Neo-Nazis, KKK, racist skinheads, etc.) in this country, an increase of 56% since 2000. But last Friday's Fox & Friends opened with the be-scared-of-Islam graphic, in big bold, letters "ISLAMIC EXTREMISM ON THE RISE" over pictures of scary Islamic looking (turbans) guys, carrying the same kind of weaponry worshipped by American militias. As the chyron pronounced, as Fox Fact, 'Jihad' Politics, Muslim Brotherhood Forms Party Framework," Elizabeth Hasselbeck reported that, according to the Fox & Friends guest, Allen West, we "are one step closer" to the "reality" (hahaha) of OMG seeing "Islamic Brotherhood" listed on election ballots along with Democrat and Republican. Doocy reported that West says that the scary Muslims are "busy building a voting block to sneak their agenda into the American political system, their goal, to wage jihad from within." Oh, nooo....
After the scary ISLAMIC EXTREMISM graphic was repeated, West asked the kids how they were doing. Doocy said they had been doing fine "until now that we're going to find out what you're suggesting is going on in American politics." (Steve is scared and you should be too!) And that's when the crazy talk began. West said it is "disconcerting" to see Muslim organizations joining together and cited a mission statement from the Islamic Brotherhood. Without noting that this was evidence from a trial involving the Holy Land Foundation's connection to Hamas, West made the baseless claim that this document is the basis for the "campaign strategy for the Muslim Brotherhood" and, naturally, the evil, scary CAIR. The chyron reinforced the scary propaganda: "Brotherhood's Political Agenda, FBI Exposed Goal of Civilizational Jihad." (WTF?)
Naturally, he mentioned that CAIR objected to "Honor Diaries," a documentary on domestic violence in Islamic societies that Fox News spent a week defending, and campaigned against Ayan Hirsi Ali who was also defended on Fox. As he spoke about how the scary Muslims are forming a scary voting block to lobby for "institutional policies to favor them," the chyron read "The Third Political Party, Muslim Brotherhood Building Voting Block" - a laughable assertion given that Muslims represent about 2% of the population. Doocy exasperatedly commented "in this country."
So when Koch brother backed Tea Party groups formed their voting block for "institutional policies that favor them," (tax cuts, destruction of the social safety net, etc.) it was just peachy, but now that the US Council of Muslim Organizations wants to do the same thing, which is legal, it's very, very bad. Their first scary priority - "to build on Muslim citizenship rights by conducting a census of American Muslims to create a database that will be used to enhance civic and political participation in upcoming elections." And funny, Fox has no problem with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops which is one of the richest lobbying groups in the country.
Seriously folks, Iman Rauf should have built his mosque on federal land while declaring federal law invalid. I'm sure that Fox would have been supportive of heavily armed Muslims lined up against federal officers. Ya think?!
What's scarier and why?
Real American militia sniper aiming at federal officers
I know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout – it’s right here in front of me with Roger Aile’s signature!!!!
Allen West is no “friend” or “guest” to Faux Noise. That Islamaphobe’s a paid employee of theirs!!