When Bill Maher lampoons Christians, he is lambasted on Fox News. Yet, when the Duck Dynasty patriarch is criticized for homophobic comments, Fox is all free speech. And while those on Fox clearly don't believe that atheists have First Amendment rights to erect billboards, whenever those who meet Fox's standard of approval are told to stifle it, Fox is all First Amendment. Recently, an anti-choice group of U of Alabama students were told, by the school, to take down their display, which featured abortion "facts" and grisly photos of alleged aborted fetuses, because there had been complaints. The students claim that they have been censored. Their "cause" is being promoted by right wing and anti-choice blogs so it's not surprising that they are taking their crusade to Fox & Friends which never wastes an opportunity to push the meme of free speech hating liberal academia persecuting good conservative students. And Tucker Carlson was also able to provide another Fox News shout out to the anti-choice movement. It was all good....
Famous "dick," gay basher" and Fox & Friends host Tucker Carlson immediately set the propaganda meme: "Oh, the academy, the BASTION of free speech. Is there any place in America where it's squelched so regularly as a university?" The chyron reinforced the mesage: "Silencing its Students Univ. of Alabama Removes Pro-Life Display." He showed video of a college administrator telling a pro-life student that the policy is to take down displays if there are complaints. To the question of whether there is a policy, the administrator told the student it was online and that the group was lucky to have the display up as long as they did. Carlson sarcastically followed that up with "you're lucky to have expressed your views." He claimed that "no such rules exist" and asked why the school is "trying to silence its pro-life students." He tossed to his guest,Claire Chretien, who is head of "Bama Students for Life" who affirmed that there was no rule relating to display cases. The chyron kept the agitprop going: "Center for Censorship, School Removes Student Anti-Abortion Poster."
Carlson explained that "the administrators didn't like your views" and asked it she agreed. She said "it was very chilling" and noted that the taxpayer funded school is "censoring students with whom they disagree." In response to Carlson's question about whether other groups are "censored," she responded that "pro-abortion" (pro-choice actually) students ran into a problem when they protested what the anti-abortion students were doing. He asked if the school "doesn't want to have a debate on abortion." More chyron propaganda: "No Offensive Material, School Official Cites Non-Existant policy." Chretien surmised that the school "doesn't want to have any meaningful debate on abortion."
In a blatant attempt to push the standard right wing propaganda about how evil librul academia is filled with baby-killers, Carlson asked her how many of her professors shared her views. In keeping with the script, she answered "very few" but added that most professors agree that students should have "free speech rights." The chyron: "F in Free Speech University of Alabama Ranks as One of Most Restrictive." (By whom?) He read a statement from the school in which they state that they are reviewing display policies and asked what it meant. In keeping to the "free speech" script, Chretien said that "if the university respects students' free speech, they wouldn't have had to issue that statement in the first place."
Tucker responded "that's exactly right." As the chyron read "First Amendment Firestorm, Pro-Life Student Group Demanding Apology." In further promoting the agitprop he asked if she saw an "irony in the fact that this is taking place on a college campus, isn't that the whole point of college..." He agreed with her that this is "sad" and "not surprising" that "we can't be exploring this important issue on our campus." He praised her as a "bold, young woman."
Funny, Tucker Carlson is all free speech but yet he mocked atheists who exercised their right to free expression when they erected an atheist monument that Carlson didn't really approve of. Free speech for me but not for thee? What a dick!
I would have permitted the anti-abortion display and allowed abortion rights groups to their own displays like this:
and this:http://www.lifeandlibertyforwomen.org/gerri_twerdy_santoro.html
and this: http://www.lifeandlibertyforwomen.org/abortion_pictorial.html
We’ve taken these pictures on wooden boards out to CSU in Fort Collins, CO and CU in Boulder CO when anti-abortion groups showed up with their 18ft high pictures of alleged aborted fetuses.
They’d never been confronted with such a display and information on illegal abortion, God, Bible and Abortion, 3rd trimester abortions, contraceptive information, sex education etc. They actually spent a lot of time looking at our displays and debating me. This is how to respond to those kind of anti-abortion displays – not by denying them but by confronting them with our own!
“When Bill Maher lampoons Christians, he is lambasted on Fox News. Yet, when the Duck Dynasty patriarch is criticized for homophobic comments, Fox is all free speech.”
Fox News simply disagrees with Bill Maher’s viewpoints. They do not believe that Bill Maher should have his free speech rights taken away from him.
The author was not able to quote any Fox News commentator who said that Bill Maher should not be allowed to express his views.
These people are beneath contempt.