Todd Starnes, as he constantly reminds us, loves Jesus. But he isn't fond of gays, Mayor Bill DeBlasio and all those other nasty secularists who drive Toddles into the arms of his sweet tea and southern fried anything. But despite his close personal relationship with his celestial BFF, Toddles doesn't have the same kind of relationship with the truth as documented by his plethora of Christian lies and personal attacks which sometimes result in the victims of his dishonesty being threatened by Toddles' Christian fan club. And it's not just us satanic forces of secularist godlessness who have called out Toddles on his lack of truthiness. After Starnes claimed that a hospital had rejected religious Christmas cards and that students had been banned from singing religious Christmas carols at a vets hospital, a Christian, on the religious blog Patheos, debunked Starnes accusations and, in doing so, asserted that Toddles "consistently deceives and manipulates facts in order to exaggerate or fabricate incidences of Christian persecution." And now, sweet mercy, Toddles has been exposed, again, for lying!
Recently, "serial fabricator," Starnes published a story about a first grader who, allegedly, was interrupted in the middle of a class presentation about how her family puts the star of Bethlehem on top of their Christmas tree by her evil public school teacher who then, allegedly, told her to stop talking about the Bible in class. Starnes' article, as usual, told only the persecuted Christian side of the article because the school, at that point, was not able to comment on the situation because it was still under investigation. Toddles accused the school of making a "gross mistake," being "ignorant of the Constitution," being "infested with radical secularists who like to bully Christian children." Naturally, his article went viral and naturally school personnel were inundated with "126 mean spirited e-mails."
The real story is that the student was asked to cut her presentation short because the class was about to end. The teacher categorically denies telling the girl that she couldn't discuss the bible in class. The school principal stands behind the teacher and says that the Christian legal firm, Advocates for Faith and Family, "misrepresented" the situation. The group did not respond to Raw Story's request for a comment. The school's statement, regarding the incident, is here. Suffice to say that Starnes has neither updated his original story nor published an addendum.
Looks like Starnes, once again, is deceiving and manipulating facts to promote his bogus Christian persecution meme. Obviously, Christian defender Roger Ailes thinks that this is just fine. But what would Jesus say?
And on the Todd Starnes, truth-o-meter, Toddles gets a biscuits on fire rating for this whopper.
Shoddy Toddy is a big mouth troublemaker. He has nothing to do except lurk around the internet to search for trouble.
We ask our media partners to investigate Advocates for Faith and Family.