For the perpetually aggrieved right wing, there ain't no party like a pity party. And now that NY Governor Andrew Cuomo spoke about about how extremists Republicans will not fare well in NY, the right wing has been having one giant kegger. I don't know if it's because of excessive sensitivity or pure stupidity, but the church of the perpetually outraged immediately took the quote out of context in order to accuse Cuomo of saying that pro-lifers and pro-gun types (life and death and all that?) are not welcome in NY. Sean Hannity has threatened to takes his gazillions and move to a more receptive state. (Buh-by) and Todd Starnes is fulminating, on his twitter, about how Cuomo's jack booted thugs will be coming to take him away. (Buh-by) Yesterday, alleged "news" anchor and Tim Tebow fanboy Bill Hemmer kept the party going!
Hemmer started the agitprop rolling when he reported that Cuomo is "on defense after saying that conservatives have no place in the empire state." He described Cuomo as "facing a firestorm" and then played part of Cuomo's radio commentary that was strategically clipped in order to obfuscate the context which was that Cuomo was speaking about the Republican party's problems. Here is the full comment with the Fox clip highlighted: "Their problem is not me and democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are? Because if that is who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are.
Hemmer, mockingly, read the Governor's response in which Cuomo stated that his comment was about extreme right candidates. Andrea Tantaros claimed that Cuomo was attacking his biggest challenge; i.e. his GOP 2014 challenger who is pro-life. Hemmer said "ah-ha." FACT CHECK - Astorino is currently polling 48 points ahead of Astorino. Tantaros LIED about how Cuomo's women's equality bill allows abortion at any time up until birth and that Cuomo supports "gender selection abortion." She asked "who is really the more extreme one?" FACT CHECK - As reported on Media Matters, Tantaros' anti-choice talking points were "fact free" because the bill does not allow abortion at any time but merely codifies Roe into state law. The bill doesn't mention sex selection abortion; but because it doesn't, Tantaros and her anti-choice pals claim that he supports it when he has never offered an opinion one way or the other.
When Bob Beckel attempted to compare Cuomo's comment with Allen West's claim that the commies have infiltrated the Democratic Party, Hemmer told him to stay on Cuomo and not "deflect." "News" guy Hemmer, in keeping with the right wing narrative, accused Cuomo of saying that if "you're pro-life and if you support the second amendment don't come to our state." He said that in addition to the transcript, "we have his own voice" and asked if the comment was "distorted." (Ya think!?)
Tantaros claimed that "most" Democrats don't agree with Cuomo's abortion position - which she had just lied about! She accused Cuomo of being a "bully" and continued to advance her lies about Cuomo's views on abortion. She whined about his gun bill. After Beckel challenged her on the abortion issue, she said - wait for it - "that is a fact" and not her opinion. Good conservative Catholic Hemmer (He's available ladies but no sex before marriage and no slut pills!) brought up Cuomo's Catholicism. With sadness in his voice, he added that "pro-life folks are now thinking, am I extreme." (Ya think!)
Talk about deflection and distortion! Not only did the allegedly "fair & balanced" Hemmer validate the conservative distortion of Cuomo's comments, but he allowed Tantaros to promote pro-life lies and propaganda in order to smear Cuomo even more. And in keeping with Fox anti-choice bias, he very cleverly defended pro-lifers against the charge of extremism when the reality is that the anti-choice movement is all about denying women the right to their own body and if that isn't extreme, I don't know what is!
As a right wing extremist smear of Governor Cuomo, it was superb. As "fair & balance" news - not so much!