If anybody is a poster child for "white privilege" it is "famous dick" and trust fund baby Tucker Carlson. Like his fellow Fox hate talkers, Carlson is keenly aware that the real racism, in our society, emanates from African-Americans who hate whites and use their special black race card to garner undeserved privileges. And what truly gets under Tucker's cravat is when African-Americans speak about the difficulty of their struggles which certainly pale in comparison to not getting the best tee time at the club. Tucker was rather incensed when our first black president referenced the battle for Civil Rights in forcefully speaking about the struggle to get health care for millions of Americans, many of whom are black. Tucker was even more incensed when Fox's Chris Wallace wouldn't join him in denouncing this egregious use of a metaphor by a president who, according to Carlson, is taking his racist rhetoric "to a new height."
On Sunday, Chris Wallace apparently thought that he would be chatting with the week-end friends about the Cruzapalooza and the looming shut down. But his expectations were thrown off when Carlson immediately played video of part of Pres. Obama's recent speech before the CBC in which Obama says "let me say as clearly as I can: It is not going to happen. We have come too far. We’ve overcome far darker threats than those. We will not negotiate." Carlson cut off the rest of the statement which accurately sums up what economist and political analysts consider to be what would happen if the country defaults: "We will not negotiate over whether or not America should keep its word and meet its obligations. We’re not going to allow anyone to inflict economic pain on millions of our own people just to make an ideological point. And those folks are going to get some health care in this country — we’ve been waiting 50 years for it."
How audacious of Obama to speak about how blacks have been waiting, since the era of Civil Rights, for the kind of health care that Carlson so deservedly has! Tucker expressed his dismay to Wallace with the statement, as Tucker Carlson fact, that "that is a dog whistle, that is the race card being played." He asked, "Can you see any other explanation for it?" (Uh, how bout he was telling it like it is Tucker?) Wallace said he didn't know and tried to get the conversation back on track. Carlson continued his attempt to solicit validation, for this latest outrage, from Wallace: "But what do you mean? Isn’t it news if the president says to the Congressional Black Caucus, ‘We have overcome far bigger threats’? That’s taking rhetoric to a new place, is it not?” (Right, night riders, burning crosses on lawns, segregated public facilities, prohibitions on voting, murder of activists, Sunday school children, a 12 year old boy - just to name of few fine white Southern "traditions" - weren't threats. Right...)
Wallace said he didn't know and asked if he could move on to a discussion about Obamacare. Tucker agreed. Wallace looked peeved. While it was nice to see Wallace not join in Carlson's base bigotry, what wasn't so nice was the message behind what Tucker was saying; i.e. that any reference to the Civil Rights era, in conjunction with contemporary struggles with which the black community is involved, is racist. Talk about hypocrisy. Carlson is talking about a supposedly racist dog whistle on a national "news" network that, in blatantly denigrating the black community, takes racist rhetoric to a new level at which it has become acceptable discourse. Carlson's rhetoric, meanwhile, is a new low - even when you thought that he couldn't get any deeper in the gutter.
The question, "have you no shame, sir" should be asked to Tucker Carlson. But we all know that the answer would be f**k no.
There is one conservative who can wipe the floor with this boy, and Tucky knows it. Tucky is afraid of this conservative and would never debate him cause he is scared of him.
A cowardly little boy.
I personally think it’s absolutely disgraceful that FOX “news” hired this hack to be a host on their so-called “fair & balanced” network. His hiring (plus the distinct deficit of liberal/Democratic/Obama supporting guests on F&F the past couple of months) sends a clear signal from Ailes as to where he intends to take this show.
Wallace has pretty much ticked me off lately with the partisan angle he has taken on some stories but I will give him kudos for not playing Tucker’s race baiting game.