As America's grand poobah of propaganda, Bill O'Reilly doesn't like it when the folks don't, metaphorically speaking, kiss his posterior (ewww). Such was the case when he invited Miss Kansas, Teresa Vail, to appear on The Factor. Bill wanted to speak with Ms. Vail because she has "big" tattoos and a military background. But her business manager wanted to know, in advance, what questions would be asked. This "violation of journalistic ethics" was not well received by O'Reilly who claims not to use a script. He used this affront as the basis for his tip of the day - "when you want to become a public figure, do it honestly, don't try to contrive the situation. It never works." On his website, the title for the piece and accompanying video is "Tip of the Day, Ink Stained Wench." "Ink stained," "wench," seriously?
While Bill's oh so clever play on words is offensive and sexist, it's really a bit ironic considering that whoever wrote the title is playing off of the phrase "ink stained wrench" which refers to journalists. So it's O'Reilly who is the ink stained wretch!
Tip of the day for Bill - if people don't suck up to you, you really should avoid publicly shaming and insulting them. Just saying....
I can’t even bring myself to entertain that load enough to talk about it. It’s BS, and he knows it. And apparently, there’s no standing room for him on this, because the video’s removed. The link now plays O’Reilly exploiting the Naval Yard shooting.
That only furthers my suspicions that Billy lied through his teeth, the real story is that they realized what he was gonna do when they got their general overview, and he lied about it. I also suspect this is why we won’t be seeing Jesse Watters near either of them in the near future.
“How’s a guy supposed to get an erection when they see all those tattoo’s?”
My guess is, Billdo, that they aren’t interested in your inability to get an erection! You should avoid these types of conversations in the future as they don’t put YOU in a good light!
In any event, O’Reilly was right in that she should not have handled it this way. She should have either declined the interview and said why she didn’t want to go on the show or gone on the show with the understanding of what would be discussed and then been ready to deal with any sandbagging.
However, to deliberately embarrass her over this, as O’Reilly did, struck me as mean spirited and unnecessary. She’s a runner up in a beauty pageant, not Adele. Cut the lady some slack.
And with regards to his saying that a public person has to be honest and that they can’t contrive a situation, that seems rather hypocritical for a guy who once stipulated that no one from the media would be allowed into an event where he was giving a speech and receiving a so-called “Media Courage” award.
As far as BOR not wanting to supply questions in advance, I can understand that — just as I can understand her manager asking about the questions (considering that so often BOR’s questions are biased and agenda-driven). However, being that BOR is claiming to be all about “journalistic ethics”, I find his deliberate decision to take a very public and tacky swipe at Miss Kansas/her manager to be extremely unprofessional and decidedly lacking in journalistic ethics. In other words, quit being such a thin-skinned, petty, hypocritical b!tch, BOR.
Regarding BOR’s dislike for tattoos, I once heard him say on his now defunct radio show that he does not like them and would not hire someone with tattoos even if they were qualified for the position.
@sal Cicio – I loved seeing Miller call BOR out on that. BOR has mentioned before that he has a driver who brings him into the studio so to have him called out on his fib – and watching him scramble – was hilarious. It always amazes me just how self-unaware BOR truly is.
I have been an interviewer for 40 years and i would tell any PR person who asked that request to take a hike. It has never happened to me. Now a person can ask what the interview will generally be about. That’s fair. But she cannot ask for the questions in advance. I don’t know of any journalist with an ounce of credibility who would agree to such a request.
If she thinks she is going to get sandbagged, don’t do the interview.
I am no O’Reilly fan but this is a fair complaint. Frankly, she would be nuts to agree to to an interview … considering his history. And that might have been the goal from the start — finding a way to duck it.
Other than that, some people have to practice… I’ve seen people that couldn’t get interviewed by their own mother without some idea of what to focus on, and that even includes celebrities. I can name a few of those that can’t even remember their name being interviewed, despite not being at all shy performing their venue of choice.
Not to mention what Joseph and the article both said- It’s crystal clear that O’Reilly just wants her on so that he can attack and eye hump her at the same time, and she wants to leash him. Can you blame her for that?
Other than that.. Who cares if she has tattoos? I’m sure half the contestants since 1980 had at least one, they just cover it up with body paint if it’s anywhere someone will see it. The same way people with serious scarring that can still be covered use a body paint/ointment, like that Mederma stuff that the OTC knock-off had heavily rotated ads for.
And not just in cases like those- You know how many actresses have mass tattooing, but you can only see the ones on their arms, neck, legs or middrift in candid shots, because they cover them up onscreen and at PR outings?
Oh, I’m sorry- Is a fact like that too much for Billy to handle, because Tattoos turn him off?
And to Dave, sorry, but you’re wrong. Her business manager is obviously aware of Billdo’s usual style of “interviewing” and is looking to protect his client’s best interests. She has a military background, and, gee, wasn’t there something in the news recently that involved the military and guns? Or maybe the fact that a “non-American” woman won Miss America had something to do with O’Reilly’s wanting to interview her? (I mean, really, who the hell ever interviews a Miss America runner-up aside from the runner-up’s hometown newspaper or TV station?) Seriously, Dave, why the hell do you think Billdo wanted her on the show in the first place? He was going to try to use her to promote whatever his latest talking point happens to be. If you’re expecting to be interviewed by a RESPECTABLE JOURNALIST, then asking for a list of questions would be uncalled for. But this is Bill O’Reilly and two words that most assuredly do NOT describe O’Reilly are “respectable” and “journalist.” I don’t blame her business manager for wanting a list of questions O’Reilly planned to ask. Hell, if I were her business manager, I’d give O’Reilly a list of topics that would be completely off-limits as well as a contract that would have O’Reilly in court the SECOND he broached any of those subjects.