Fox News does take its talking points, sometimes word for misspelled word, from the Republican National Committee. Now that the RNC has decided that they will promote the meme that Anthony Weiner's junk shots, Elliot Spitzer's past peccadilloes, and sexual harassment allegations against Mayor Bob Filner show hypocrisy of the Democrats in the "war on women," it comes as now surprise that Fox News would advance the false narrative. As Rachel Maddow points out, this is "Political Strategy 101 -- take your rivals' isolated troubles, tie them together, and try to apply the condemnation as broadly as possible." This is exactly what Tucker Carlson and Alisyn Camerota did on this morning's Fox & Friends. And in keeping with the false narrative, which included outright lies, they, as Maddow also notes, require their audience to "lose sight of what makes the "war on women" important as a matter of public policy." Oh right, I forgot. That's the policy that Fox News pushes because, they claim, it helps women. You have now entered another dimension of sight and sound....
Tucker Carlson introduced the RNC talking points: "We have heard an awful lot about the war on women, it's a constant Democratic talking point, remember when Democrats spent months talking about it." Video, featuring national Democratic figures,was played as the chyron read "The War on Women, Dems All About It Last Year, What About Now." As Carlson smirked, Camerota pulled out the classic some say Fox card: "Some are saying that Democrats are actually a war on women." She referenced Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer, and Bob Filner.
After Camerota noted that their guest "says that Democratic party leaders are (her voice went up in amusement) are strangely silent," Carlson introduced Emily Miller, Senior Editor of the conservative (not mentioned by Carlson) Washington Times. (Miller was once engaged to Michael Scanlon who pled guilty to conspiracy charges related to Jack Abramoff). Carlson recounted some of the sexual harassment accusations against Mayor Bob Filner and asked "if that's not an example of a war on women, then what is?" (How bout a constant onslaught of draconian anti-abortion laws, opposition to pay equity, the birth control mandate, and bizarre comments on rape and gender norms?)
Miller claimed that the Democrats "launched the war on women" because "the great" Rush Limbaugh said that "Sandra Fluke was a slut because she wants us, the taxpayer to pay for birth control." Supposed woman supporter Miller DID NOT disavow Limbaugh's offensive and false statement. (Fluke was talking about Georgetown's policy of not providing birth control coverage in their student health care plans.) She whined that Limbaugh's statement had "nothing to do with that." (Right, the "war on women" is, as articulated by Democrats, all about policy).
Miller *LIED when she whined that "nobody is talking about it." Not surprisingly, she said that the president isn't talking about it. The Fox chyron reinforced the propaganda: "The Real War on Women, Dem. Leaders Keep Quiet on Party Scandals." Camerota claimed that Democrats say that, in Filner's case, it's just one guy and "it's not lumped into the war on women." The chyron reinforced the lie: "Who's Waging the War, Dem's Stay Silent on Parties Scandals." Miller asserted that the three Democratic men "should not be in public life" especially Weiner who "is a pervert."
Miller said that the war on women charge was effective, in mobilizing Democratic women's votes, because Democrats incorrectly linked what a few Republicans said with policy. (Does she seriously believe that?) She then segued into abortion with the bogus fetal pain claim and assertion that women favor 20 week abortion bans which shows that women are "on a different side when it comes to policy." (This is pure bullshit. There is huge resistance to state anti-abortion bills and attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. The majority of women still favor access to abortion) More agitprop chyrons: "Script Flipped, GOP Accuses Dems of Waging War on Women," "Sext Scandal Silence, Where's Democratic Outrage Against Weiner."
*This whole piece is based on a lie because Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told the San Francisco Chronicle that “have both [Weiner, Spitzer] admitted they need therapy. I think maybe that therapy could better be accomplished in private" and that Dem. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said “The misconduct Mayor Bob Filner has been accused of is reprehensible and indefensible... For the good of the City of San Diego, I call on Mayor Filner to resign." When Miller said that there should be calls for Filner to resign, somebody could have mentioned Wasserman' Schultz's statement as the info is readily available. And you want to talk hypocrisy. Where was the "family values" GOP outrage when married, Catholic Sen. David Vitter received a round of GOP applause when he returned to the Senate after a hiatus following revelations of his getting his freak on, in a diaper, with a prostitute? Is that any less "perverted" than sexting? Where was the Fox outrage over Republicans Mark Foley, the toe tapping Larry Craig, trail hiking Mark Sanford, and Newt Gingrich? Did Pres. Bush address any of these situations?
But to say that the misdeeds of several Democrats men are worse than policies, on the part of "small government" Republicans who seek to deny women their reproductive freedom, is truly twisted. Nice to see Fox News advancing the real perversion and the real "war on women."
Really? I have yet to hear a Dem politician claim that only “illegitimate rape” resulted in pregnancy . ..
Newsflash: Filner is a longtime contributor to both CNN and MSNBC, several shows disclosed it to that extent. And they also gave the SoCal DNC a platform to say Filner no longer has their endorsement, meaning that he’s on his own if he tries to stay in office.
Let’s compare that to how Fox News handles Republican sex offenders and misogynists. Oh, right- They put a (D) next to their name and try saying the GOP’s above that.
How can all those pretty little things handle freedom of choice, contraception, equal pay for equal work and equal protection from perverts??
It’s just too much for the female mind to handle!! They should be satisfied with all the fancy appliances we gave them!