When things get hot for the American Taliban GOP, in their war on women support for life, they send out their women's auxiliary to explain that America's daddies know what's best for America's lady parts. That's why Rep. Marsha Blackburn shepherded Rep. Trent Franks' abortion bill through the US House. And that's why Megyn Kelly, on the American anti-choice patriarchy's "news" network, mocks the "war on women" and gets validation from GOP women who think that concern about reproductive rights is offensive. The notion that State Sen. Wendy Davis, who opposes the TX abortion bill, is a heartless savage, who wants to abort "healthy babies" was invoked, Tuesday, during Megyn Kelly's alleged "news" show, the second of two in which only the anti-choice position was articulated by Kelly who was backed up by her female guests. This false narrative was continued yesterday during Kelly's interview with a rabidly anti-choice TX State Senator who supports the bill and is both a woman and a doctor. Kelly might have ripped Erick Erickson a new one about his sexist attitudes, but she's still a loyal handmaiden for the forces of right wing, anti-choice extremism.
Kelly said that "while democrats and others continue to celebrate Davis and her filibuster another state senator and doctor is fighting for the public to hear the other side of the story." She played video of this legislator, Donna Campbell, speaking before an anti-abortion crowd about how those who oppose the bill "love the predatory abortion industry more than the health of a woman or the life of a baby." and how "proud" she is "to stand for life." In introducing her, Kelly said "great to see you." (Bet if she interviewed Davis, she wouldn't say that!) Kelly noted that Davis' supporters say that they want the government to "keep its hands off their bodies and they view this as an issue of women's rights and women's health."
Campbell, an ophthalmologist and tea party darling, claimed that Davis doesn't speak for a majority of women and a majority of Texans who are "pro-life." She demeaned those who are pro-choice by saying that while they don't want government involved with the procedure, they want government to support the procedure. She dismissed the "outcry" over the part of the bill requiring clinics to have the same standards as ambulatory clinics.
Kelly asked about the bill's requirement that abortion clinics meet ambulatory care standards and noted that the criticism is that this will reduce the number of clinics and, thus, restrict access. Campbell totally dismissed the reality that clinics will close because they can't afford to upgrade by pushing the anti-choice trope that they "put profit over a person." She claimed that these standards will "protect the safety of the patient." Nobody mentioned that many of these clinics also provide birth control and other gynecological services for poor women.
Kelly asked about "the lionization" of Wendy Davis who, according to Megyn, is "celebrated" rather than "challenged" by the media. (Slick little hit on the librul media) She said that while there is concern about women's access to clinics there is the question of "whether we should be standing and cheering in any sense somebody who is pushing to, for the right to abort a fetus up to 26 weeks of pregnancy." (Kelly, an attorney, should know that Roe allows abortion up to viability which can be between 24 and 28 weeks. The 20 week thing is an anti-choice position based on bogus science about fetal pain.)
Campbell asked if those who oppose the bill support (anti-choice talking point alert) "a predatory industry or are they looking at the life of the unborn and protection and health of the woman?" When she cited complications from late term abortion (Less than actual childbirth and plastic surgery), Kelly said that early term abortion is "less controversial" and, as she did yesterday, went through a litany of what 20 week fetuses do. She said that the bill allow exemptions for the life and health of the mother. (It only allows it for life and health related to "immediate injury or death" and does not include mental health) and advanced the same spin that she (and Kirsten Powers) pushed yesterday; i.e. Davis wants women to able to abort healthy fetuses up to 26 weeks. Campbell repeated that the bill protects women's safety and protects the unborn. She described it as a "great bill."
While Megyn Kelly's show is supposed to be part of Fox's "fair & balanced" news lineup, its coverage of the Texas abortion bill has been squarely on the side of the anti-abortion support for the bill. So maybe ya'd think that Kelly, being fair & balanced and all, would interview Ms. Davis, or another opponent of the bill from say, the AmericanCollege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists which opposes the bill. Nah, that would cut into the propaganda that America's "fair & balanced" "news" network specializes in. Ya think!
Democrats smart to push 'war on women' theme?
Gov. Nikki Haley responds