There is a constant refrain, among the legions of aggrieved right wing Christians, that those in the arts community would never treat Muslims with the same sort of perceived disrespect given to Christians. Not surprisingly, this meme has been advanced on Fox News which is, of course, the home for aggrieved Christians while being the place "where you can bash Islam with impunity." The reality is that satire, in order to be successful, are based on the audience's frame of reference. A play that is themed on the Koran would not be as familiar as one based on the Bible which is a cultural reference point for many Americans. And now that a Massachusetts performing arts charter school has done a play with OMG gay bible characters and the usual suspects in the raving religious right are upset, alleged Fox news host Megyn Kelly is using the "controversy" to promote the Muslims get preferential treatment meme and continue to voice support for and lie about the maker
The title of Monday's Megyn Kelly video framed the propaganda: "Double Standard? Provocative Play Mocks Bible Stories." Kelly reported that "a controversial play is getting national attention for mocking bible stories." (The majority of those who harassed and threatened the school don't live in MA) As she spoke, the chyron reinforced the agitprop: "Controversy Over Provocative Play, Double Standard In Treating Religion." She described the play as a satire of bible stories and added that some say is it's "freedom of religion" while others say it's "blasphemy." She neither mentioned the sizable gay community in the community (South Hadley) served by the school nor a comment, from a school faculty member, that the play wrestles with "deep issue of faith." The propaganda continued: "It raises questions about a possible double standard that may exist when it comes to religion where some believe it is OK to attack some" (word emphasized) "for purposes of entertainment, but other religions remain off limits."
Her guests were David Webb, a conservative radio show host who, on Fox, complained about Gabby Giffords unpatriotic Olympic uniform, and David Silverman, president of American Atheists. She reported that the play is being done by a public (word emphasized) charter school and that Catholics believe that it's an insult to their faith because Adam's partner isn't Eve but Steve. (Christians who protest gay marriage say "Adam & Eve, not Adam and Steve.") Webb attacked the "hypocrisy" and "cowardice" of "secularists" who feel free to insult Christianity but not - wait for it -Islam. He criticized Obama for defending tolerance of Islam and asked "where's the tolerance, the right of Christians to not be ridiculed." (Uh, nobody has the right to "not be ridiculed.")
Kelly asked if there is "a double standard when it comes to mocking Christianity vs. mocking Islam." Silverman said that his group mocks Islam and there have been no fatwa's. (And none against Bill Maher who does the same.) He cited how some Christians use Christianity to support their bigotry. She plugged Catholic dogma and advanced the meme that Catholics are being unfairly characterized as bigots when she asked him if he rejects the "legitimate belief" that gay marriage is against Catholic Church teachings. After he spoke of how religion is the basis for bigotry, she looked pretty pleased with herself as she put words into his mouth: "In essence, they deserve it." Webb wanted to know if the students in the play are "bigots in training."
Kelly then lied when she attempted to frame Nakoula Bassely as a persecuted Christian playright who got "arrested for making a play, a movie that criticized the prophet Mohammed and now we see this with public taxpayer dollars." FACT CHECK - Bassely was not arrested. He was taken into custody because he violated terms of his probation relating to bank fraud. She used Bassely, whom she has advocated for in the past, as an example of the "double standard." She cited Islamic "factions" who protested and used threats of violence which resulted in "a man being arrested." Video of Bassely being taken into custody was shown. She asked if Christians are "more fair game to mock."
Kelly claimed that the ACLU, which defends the play, would "normally" be suing if taxpayer dollars were used to speak about religion. (The play isn't promoting religion) Webbs said if this were a Christian school mocking Mohammed the ACLU would defend it and "overpower the town with their dollars." When Silverman said that a Christian school can do this because they're private, Megyn snarked that the ACLU would be upset if a public school did a play promoting Christianity. (Cuz that's a First Amendment issue, attorney Kelly)
As propaganda, this was brilliant. Using a play that's "controversial" to those outside the community, the following memes were hit: Anti-Christian public education, Muslims are treated better than Christians, gays hate Christianity, Muslims are violent but Christians are peaceful, Bassely got a raw deal because he's Christian. And re school plays - they're not required to be "fair & balanced" like Fox News - isn't!
I’ve been saying since the first time that I saw her she only knows the law when the script calls for it. She proves it every day she’s on the air- Twice when she does those “Kelly’s Court” vanity segments.
Gay or straight,
Love is great!
And the Creator ain’t so bad, either.